Some items in Diablo 4 are so rare that players don’t even believe in them, Blizzard needs to intervene

Not all legendary items can be found quickly in Diablo 4. Blizzard has unveiled six of the rarest uniques that many players never thought even existed. The unique items are so rare that fans are now frustrated.

What are the items? The six rarest uniques have very special bonuses and can therefore only be obtained at a high level. This includes the following items:

  • bringer of doom
  • The grandpa
  • Ring of Starless Heavens
  • Andariel’s countenance
  • harlequin crown
  • Melted Heart by Selig
  • Since the existence of these items was doubted by players, Blizzard released some information on how to obtain these items. A Blizzard employee explained that the items are only available on kills at level 85+ and are really very rare.

    If you manage to get hold of a unique at all, there is still a very small chance that it is one of the six uniques mentioned at the beginning.

    So that you always have space for the uniques, we give you a tip for organizing your inventory:

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    The items should be available wherever there are other uniques. A user has taken the trouble to list the possible locations of all of these six items. But even with this knowledge, it takes a great deal of luck for one of the coveted items to fall at your feet.

    What do players say about this? There is a lot of dissatisfaction on Twitter. User maximum writes, for example, that these items would not physically exist for him because he would have to farm for them for so long:

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    Another user complains that the drop rate for these items has to be increased. If Blizzard has to prove their existence and only a few players have one of the six rarest uniques after millions of hours of play, the percentage chance should be increased.

    Paul Tassi compares the chance of such a unique to “being struck by lightning”. The uniques would no longer have anything to do with farms, but with luck. So far, only two of the items have been found by millions of players.

    Are the items that important? The rarity of the unique items has a reason: the respective bonus on the items is extremely useful. For example, the Harlequin Crown grants you +4 to all abilities of your class and should therefore not be missing in any build.

    The second effect is also quite nice: it grants percentage damage reduction. Accordingly, most of the builds in the Diablo 4 Tier List rely on this Legendary item.

    The Grandfather is also not to be scoffed at, as it grants a large amount of additional damage. Andariel’s Visage and Doombringer give additional splash damage, making them extremely useful uniques as well.

    If you have absolutely no idea what uniques actually are, MeinMMO will help you further: “Uniques” in Diablo 4: These are the particularly strong items and that’s how you get them
