What are the effects of tobacco on health?

What are the effects of tobacco on health

Tobacco is the number one preventable cause of death in the world. A smoker is more likely to develop lung disease, cancer, heart attack but also to suffer the silent effects of cigarettes on his skin, his teeth, his brain. List of health effects of tobacco.

Tobacco is a plant that is mainly consumed in the form of cigarettes. Tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum) are cured and sold directly as a cigarette or roll-your-own tobacco. It is an extremely harmful psychotropic product, since it is responsible for many pathologies, essentially because of the tar that is created by combustion. THE many toxic additives which are part of the composition of cigarettes also contribute greatly to the harmfulness of tobacco. Tobacco would thus cause about 80,000 deaths in France each year, not to mention those affected by passive smoking, that is to say, who involuntarily inhale tobacco smoke and suffer the consequences. What are the effects of tobacco on health?

“Tobacco causes two very important effects: cancer risksas well as cardiovascular risks”, begins Anita Diu, clinical addictologist. “Tobacco is the cause of many cancers, not just lungbut also the throat, tongueas well as bladderwhich few people know “. Among the risks of cancer, the most important are the lung and bladder canceras well as many ENT cancers (affections of the “sphere” ears-nose-throat-larynx). Smoke and carcinogenic products will also be deposited in a large part of the organs, through inspiration or saliva. Thus, tobacco also promotes cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, liver, pancreas, cervix… “There is a risk, regardless of the number of cigarettes smoked : it depends above all on the duration for which one smoked “. Thus, many people who believe that cigarettes will be harmless to them because they smoke little, but they are wrong : “To smoke one cigarette a day is enough to maintain cellular degeneration.” But you should also know that the effects on the skin and complexion, as well as the effects on the heart (shortness of breath, increased heart rate) “can go away very quickly after stopping, in a few days. On the other hand, the cancer risk lasts long enough“, says the specialist.

What are the effects of tobacco on the heart?

A quarter of tobacco-related deaths are caused by cardiovascular effects with more of risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, abdominal aortic aneurysm, arteritis (regressively progressive arteries) and arrhythmia are doubled in smokers. “This is largely due to the carbon monoxide, which will bind to red blood cells in place of oxygen, causing a decrease in the oxygen level in the blood as well as a lack of oxygenation of tissues and organs. To compensate, the body will increase heart rate and blood pressurewhich increases the risk of cardiovascular events. explains the specialist. On top of all this, smoking increases the risk of venous thrombosis (blockage of the veins by a blood clot). This risk of venous thrombosis is multiplied by 40 in women smokers, over 40 and taking the pill. However, this risk is not proportional to the quantity of cigarettes smoked.

In men, the risk of impotence is multiplied by… 27

What are the effects of tobacco on the skin?

Tobacco causesappearance of wrinkles : indeed, he is responsible for the degradation of the elastic fibers of the skin, of a less radiant complexion, of a waxy appearance, of a slightly grayish color. But these symptoms are quickly reversible after stopping smoking.

What are the effects of tobacco on the brain?

The nicotine will cause, in addition to theaddictive effect, an impression of appeasement and facilitation of concentration by increasing alertness. In reality, it is false impressions that increase addiction. Apart from this addiction, which quickly becomes as strong as a heroin addiction, few effects strictly speaking on the brain have been observed. A study nevertheless proved that smoking would damage the region of the cerebral cortex which manages memory, attention and concentration of the subject after several years of smoking. But this would be reversible.

What are the effects of tobacco on the muscles?

Tobacco also has an effect on muscles from the body. It is thus seen that the lower levels of myostatin, the protein that allows muscle growth, in smokers. Conversely, the enzyme MAFbx, responsible for breaking down proteins, is more important.

What are the effects of tobacco on teeth?

Tobacco leads, in addition to a unpleasant breathA yellowing of teeth and an poorer gum healing. “In the long term, this causes real dental problems: chronic gingivitis For example”says the specialist.

What are the effects of tobacco on hair?

Nicotine has the effect of constricting the blood vessels, which induces a smaller volume of blood that arrives at the root of the hair. The result is a dull, grayish colored hair. Other components, such as carbon monoxide, make drier and less voluminous hair.

What are the effects of tobacco on the lungs?

Smoking causes a decrease in respiratory capacity, as well as numerous chronic bronchitis in heavy smokers. The symptoms are a shortness of breath which happens more and more quickly, a wet cough occurring mainly in the morning, repeated episodes of bronchitis… chronic bronchitis is responsible for more than 2.5 million deaths every year in the world. Worsening towards respiratory failure (shortness of breath at the slightest effort, need to receive oxygen at home, frequent hospitalizations, etc.) is observed in heavy smokers. Smoking also causes COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), as well as a large risk of lung cancer.

What are the effects of tobacco on sexuality and fertility?

Tobacco has many effects on sexuality and fertility. Thus, the fertility of smokers is reduced up to a third from smoking, which doubles the time it takes to conceive. Smoking causes hormonal changes, but can also affect ovarian reserve (the number of ovaries available). In men, the risk of impotence is multiplied by… 27! It also generates a low libido. Additionally, tobacco reduces sperm quantity and qualitydecreasing their number and their mobility, which therefore reduces the chances of fertilization.

What are the effects of smoking during pregnancy?

In pregnant women, tobacco causes serious complications : the risk of early miscarriage would be multiplied by 1.5 3 times depending on the consumption of the pregnant woman, up to 5 for a woman smoking more than 30 cigarettes a day at the start of pregnancy. The risk of membrane rupture before 34 weeks of amenorrhea would be multiplied by 3. Retro placental hematoma, bleeding during the third trimester… there are many risks for the mother, but there are also some for the baby: because of the lower oxygenation of the fetus, it is exposed to complications like intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (knowing that the higher the number of cigarettes smoked daily, the greater this delay). A risk of increased fetal malformation, congenital diseases and‘premature delivery also exists.

What are the other effects of tobacco on the health of athletes?

In addition to all the effects mentioned above, tobacco has effects on sports performance. Shortness of breath, difficulty climbing stairs… It is difficult to maintain a sporting activity while smoking. Moreover, the sportsman who smokes is particularly exposed to the risk of infarction by coronary spasm. Athletes should therefore avoid smoking one hour before and two hours after training or a match.

What are the effects of tobacco on allergies and asthma?

Smoking increases the risk of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, due to its irritant effect. Tobacco aggravates and triggers allergic manifestations in people who are already allergic. It is the same for asthma : it worsens the frequency, rhythm and intensity of asthma attacks.

Thanks to addictologist Anita Diu.
