Lilith is the main antagonist in Diablo 4. She is the daughter of hate and queen of the succubi. But the demons and especially the succubi are not exactly known for running around in shirts and dresses. Therefore, a player is now wondering why Lilith wears clothes at all.
This question burned the Diablo 4 players on the soul: The user on the reddit forums admits that he’s not that familiar with Diablo 4’s lore. However, he couldn’t think of any demons wearing clothes. Lilith was supposed to be just as naked as the other demons. Above all as a succubus she should seduce mankind with her nakedness. (via Reddit)
But Lilith can also win many hearts of the players when she is dressed. A fan even asked Blizzard if there was a way to date Lilith. But in fact the question is valid, because Lilith is among many demons that don’t wear clothes.
By the way, in an early trailer of Diablo 4 Lilith can be seen naked. You can see what the daughter of hate looks like without clothes on MeinMMO:
Diablo 4: The Reveal Trailer with Lilith
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What explanation do the users provide? Among the replies are numerous stupid comments. Many accuse the user of just being keen on seeing Lilith without her clothes.
A user explains that Baal also wore clothes. Baal is the Lord of Destruction and one of the Great Evils, which also includes Diablo and Mephisto. However, since Baalj is also Lilith’s uncle, she may have learned her sense of fashion from him.
And demon Andariel also wears clothes that cover the essentials. Some demons would have more style than others.
But there are also serious answers: The most plausible one is that Blizzard can’t put a naked demon on Diablo 4’s packaging. With a naked demon on the cover, the sale would have been much more complicated.
In addition to this rather sober answer, the user pebrocks provided another explanation. He thinks that Lilith’s clothing is related to her past history or to her current plan:
This is pure speculation, but since she was the progenitor of humans and spent time with them, she adopted their culture of dress. Or she wears clothes to appear more “human” to those she is trying to convert.
In fact, either possibility would be a plausible explanation for why Lilith wears clothes. After all, Lilith tries to use the people for her own purposes and could therefore adapt to their ways in order to convert them. For them, humans are worth less than slaves.
If Lilith’s German voice sounds familiar to you, then you’ve probably seen her on German television before, because she greets you or at least your parents and grandparents every evening: Diablo 4: Lilith has been presenting the most important news every day for 9 years Germany and no one noticed