Missed the Rocket Event? So you can still get rid of “frustration” now

The Frustration attack could be removed in the Rocket event in Pokémon GO, now it blocks better moves again. But there is a detour, how you can still get a strong attack.

Here’s what’s going on in Pokémon GO: In Pokémon GO there was a so-called Rocket takeover, in which you could not only encounter numerous bullies and bosses, but also unlearn the frustration attack.

What is frustration in Pokémon GO? Every Shadow Pokémon has this attack by default when you free it from a Rocket member’s clutches. Unfortunately, this attack is not only very weak, but it can usually not be removed – unless you release a Crypto Pokémon. However, then it also loses the Crypto attack bonus.

In order to keep the bonus and replace the attack with a better one, you need events like the recently expired Rocket takeover. Then you can delete the attack via TM and replace it with another one. But this possibility is now gone until the next Rocket takeover is due.

But even outside of these events, there is a way to at least equip your best Cryptos with a better attack.

So you can get a strong attack without rocket takeover

Here’s how you can add an attack: Outside the event it is not possible to learn away frustration, even with a top TM it does not work. But you can take a small detour to at least get a strong attack on your monster.

With the Learn New Attack option, you can simply teach your monsters an additional charge attack – even if they are cryptos and they control frustration.

This doesn’t eliminate frustration, but it gives you a second attack slot that you can then influence via TM or even Elite TM. In many cases, a powerful Charged Attack is enough to turn your monsters into some of the best attackers in Pokémon GO.

Examples include the new Crypto Knakrack, but you can find more candidates here: 16 Monsters Worth Unlearning Frustration With.

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Are there any disadvantages? Yes, because unlocking a second Charged Attack costs you both candies from the monster in question and a good portion of Stardust – the amount varies depending on the monster you want to use.

Above all, learning new attacks with cryptos also costs more than with normal monsters. So you should think carefully about whether you want to make a move change as soon as possible, or rather wait until the next Rocket event is coming up. However, it is unclear when that will be the case.

By the way, if you want to quickly search your collection for monsters that know Frustration, just type @Frustration into the Pokémon search.

Which monsters have you already removed frustration from? Tell us in the comments! Otherwise, there is another limelight hour this month – we show you the dates here.
