Last minute: Wagner leader Prigojin spoke for the first time after the rebellion in Russia! “It will be liquidated on July 1”

Breaking news… After the uprising in Russia, the first statement came from Wagner leader Prigojin. “We started a march for justice, they attacked us with missiles,” Prigojin said. said. Prigojin used remarkable statements regarding the liquidation of the Wagner group, giving a date.

Highlights from Prigojin’s comments:

  • Wagner will be liquidated as of July 1.

  • The Wagner group is the most experienced and combat-ready unit in Russia and perhaps the world. We want those who made mistakes in Ukraine to be held accountable.

  • We regret that we had to shoot down Russian aviation. The purpose of the march was to prevent the destruction of Wagner. We wanted to hold accountable those who made mistakes during the special military operation. Our goal was not to overthrow Putin.

  • We turned our backs so as not to spill the blood of the Russian soldiers.

Details are coming…
