The right things to do with children against the accidents of everyday life outdoors

The right things to do with children against the accidents

Do-it-yourself, barbecue, ingestion of plants, risk of drowning in private swimming pools… There are many accidents in everyday life (AcVC) as the sunny days approach. Here are the reflexes to have with children when enjoying the outdoors with the family.

Summer is ideal for family gatherings around a barbecue, the swimming pool, outdoor games in the garden… But, the outdoor accidents are also numerous on sunny days. Every year, there are 11 million victims and this is the 4th cause of death in France. According to the latest figures from thestudy “The French face the accidents of everyday life outdoors” conducted by Assurance Prévention, 50,000 children under 15 are accidentally poisoned, of which 9% by ingestion of plants. The risks are also related to DIY or gardening tools, outdoor games such as the trampoline for example, or to burns caused by a barbecue, not to mention sunburn and sunstroke. here are the good habits to adopt with children to enjoy the garden and outdoor activities in complete safety.

The right things to do with children in the garden

  • Raising children’s awareness of the dangers of plants and teach them to spot poisonous species
  • Teach them not to touch poisonous plants, not to eat fruits or vegetables from the garden without permission.
  • Teach them to wash their hands after gardening.
  • Store sharp and pointed tools and place them out of reach when not in use.
  • Use appropriate repellents against insect bites and dress your children in long-sleeved clothing.

Do you tinker in the garden? A few precautions to protect children

When doing DIY, some accidents can happen quickly, especially if children are around you. To avoid risks, it is necessary tokeep children away from DIY tools which can be sharp and dangerous such as screwdrivers, hammers, nails and screws and to store power tools and chemicals out of their reach. You can also introduce them to DIY with plastic games suitable for their age, while making them aware of the risks and precautions to take. Also think about wear protective gear.

The reflexes to adopt if you have a swimming pool

If you have an outdoor or indoor pool, consider some security measures to protect children from drowning or possible falls, such as:

  • Install safety barriers around the pool.
  • Equip your pool with an alarm system or a cover to cover it.
  • Have buoys and pool noodles handy.
  • Talk to your children about the safety rules: do not run by the pool, do not play dangerous games in the water, do not dive if there is little depth…
  • Never leave children unattended in water.
  • For adults and teenagers, learn first aid gestures.

The right gestures to have for outdoor games with children

They seem harmless, but outdoor games (slide, trampoline, swing, etc.) can represent a danger for children, especially if they do not comply with the safety rules in force. So, if you have one or more outdoor playground equipment in your garden, consider regularly check the condition of parts and fasteners, and supervise children.

Do you have a BBQ? Adopt these reflexes for child safety

  • Install the barbecue on a stable surface, away from trees and flammable materials.
  • Have a bucket of water, sand or a fire extinguisher near the barbecue.
  • Favor solid firelighters.
  • Ban products that are too flammable (methylated spirits, household alcohol, gels and liquid products, firelighters).
  • Never allow children near the barbecue.
  • Do not wear loose or flammable clothing near a barbecue.

Once the barbecue is finished, remember to turn it off completely. The embers should be extinguished and the ashes cold. Never put hot ashes in a plastic bag or garbage can.
