Headline: Vladimir Putin puts Russian deterrent forces on alert

Vladimir Putin announces military operation in Ukrainian Donbass

The newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravdathe former Soviet communist youth daily, wonders what the special alert regime for deterrent forces means.

The military expert interviewed by the newspaper recalls that ” Moscow can use nuclear weapons in response to an attack on it or its allies with weapons of mass destruction, if’the very existence of the state is endangered “. The general interviewed concludes: “en fact, Putin’s order is also a reminder [à Biden et aux alliés de l’Otan] “.

The threat is to be taken with extreme caution, according to The Guardian

The British newspaper quotes one of the best experts on Russian nuclear forces. ” I’ll be honest, I’m nervous. […] Things haven’t been rational in the Kremlin lately, and that’s not a good sign. »

The challenge for NATO allies, warns The Guardian, is now to maintain the support that Ukraine needs for its survival, while making it clear to Putin that he has a way out of the crisis, rather than climbing the escalating ladder to the point where it takes on its own logic. »

This threat from the Russian president shows that the war is taking place, as always, also at the level of communication

It is also seen in the newspapers of the two countries. While Russia does not give any assessment, that the Russian army only mentioned Sunday for the first time victims in its ranks, theUkrayinska Pravda claims that around 5,300 Russian soldiers were killed in the first four days of war.

The figure is in the process of being confirmed, specifies the Ukrainian newspaper. It is based on a count from the Ministry of Defence, which has created a dedicated website to this question, for inform Russian families about the fate of their sons say the authorities. There are photos, videos of Russian soldiers killed or captured in Ukraine.

The ministry has also set up a hotline for Russians

A support service called ” Return from Ukraine alive »and according to the newspaper Kyiv Independentthis line has already received hundreds of calls.

On his side, The Guardian spoke to relatives of soldiers identified on videos in Ukraine. ” I had no idea he was fighting there », comments the sister of a sniper unit commander based in Rostov, Russia. She adds : ” I do not think that [mon frère] didn’t know either. »

Statement against statement… but propaganda can play tricks

This is asserted by the Times in London. In an editorial, the British newspaper wonders if Vladimir Putin did not believe his own propaganda, until he was surprised not to see his plans come true.

According to Timesthe Russian president was counting on “ a blitzkrieg followed by surrender talks. “A plan that” did not survive contact with reality. The attack on the peaceful southern neighbor did not end in triumph for the Kremlin, but in a huge, possibly fatal mistake. Far from dividing the West by fearcontinues the British daily, the unprovoked attack on Ukraine was totally counterproductive, uniting him in outrage. Military volunteers head to Ukraine. Aid is pouring in, including deadly weapons – especially from Germany, hitherto an inveterate military lazy. »

Germany to deliver weapons for the first time since the end of World War II

The honor of democracy is at stake » title the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. ” Even pacifists are now realizing that something has to be done. Like the Ukrainian president, hailed by the Suddeutsche Zeitung : “ The President of Ukraine has become a moral authority for the world, writes the newspaper, […] a melancholic gentleman from Kiev who has just resuscitated the figure of the hero. »

To believe the washington post, it is thanks to him, thanks to the Ukrainian president that the sanctions against Russia are so severe. The American newspaper recounts an international exchange by videoconference: Volodymyr Zelensky first warned his counterparts, telling them that this might be the last time they saw him alive, then he made a call. ” He was basically saying », says the newspaper, quoting a diplomat: ” Listen, we are here dying for European ideals. »

Ukrainians resist and organize to fight against the Russian invasion

the New York Times publishes a photo of civilians in front of dozens and dozens of plastic crates filled with empty bottles. The scene takes place in a parking lot in Dnipro, just over 200 km from Kharkiv. The three men who appear in the photo sort the bottles to then make Molotov cocktails.

The newspaper Segodnya takes over from the Ministry of Defense and tells those who wish where to throw these famous Molotov cocktails. The newspaper’s site even publishes drawings of different types of Russian armored vehicles, with red arrows pointing to the most fragile areas of the vehicles, those to be targeted with petrol bombs.
