Labiaplasty: the operation that reduces the lips of the vulva

Labiaplasty the operation that reduces the lips of the vulva

With the fashion for integral hair removal, women want to have vulvas with small vaginal lips that do not protrude. Labiaplasty is the operation that aims to reduce their size. How is the operation going? What are the risks ?

“The labiaplasty is a operation that exploded today, before we did very little”, explains Doctor Diba Abrar, a gynecologist specializing in intimate surgery. In effect, before, the vulva was hidden by hair, so the labia minora could not be seen. Since the explosion of hair removal (we’ve gone from a simple swimsuit to a metro ticket, and now to a completely waxed vulva) this private part has been revealed. Labiaplasty is a operation to reduce the size of the labia minora. Why have a labiaplasty? How is the operation going? What are the contraindications labiaplasty? What is the price and can we get a refund? What are the risks ?

Definition: what is a labiaplasty?

Nymphoplasty (also called labiaplasty or labioplasty in reference to the English term labiaplasty) is a surgical operation which consists of reduce the size of the labia minora, for aesthetic or functional reasons. When the labia minora are too long, malformed or that one is larger than the other, it bothers some women who become complexed. “It is not a disease, but a small ingratitude of nature. Women today want small labia remain in the vulvar cleft and do not protrude from the labia majora”details our expert.

Why have a labiaplasty?

Sometimes, more than a cosmetic problem, a large size of the labia minora can cause a functional problem : it can cause bumps under tight pants or small creases in swimsuits, or become embarrassing when wearing thongs. It can even become disabling: “Because of the size of their labia minora, these patients cannot do certain sports : horse riding, rowing… And sometimes, at the time of intercourse, the lips can return and be sucked into the vagina, which is very painful, he adds. Moreover, hypertrophic lips (too long) can get caught in underwear. “It really is a patient’s request, it is never her husband who pushes her to have the operation, it is she herself who is bothered by this problem. It is both a fashion, and at the same time a necessity: she does it for herself, to feel better“, insists the specialist. Approximately 20% of women therefore have surgery for functional and non-aesthetic problems, according to the doctor.

What is a labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty therefore consists of reducing the labia minora that would be too protruding, with a specific protocol to follow. “In the labia minora, there are two areas: a mucous area and an skin area. The skin area, we can remove it, it does not pose any problem for the reports, explains the doctor. But you don’t have to especially not touch the mucous area. We therefore pass two or three millimeters above this zone, called Hart’s line”, he explains. The intervention was initially laser, but there are other techniques. “I personally use a Colorado point, which cuts very precisely without burning the skin and without damaging the remaining lip”.

2 to 10% of patients need a second-degree analgesic, such as tramado

Before the operation, the doctor meets the patient:I explain to him the procedure procedure in detail, as well as instructions before, during and after the operation.” The patient must therefore have all the keys in hand and be perfectly informed of what she is about to do. If she ever wants to change her mind, there is of course a 15 day reflection periodas for all plastic surgery. On the day of the operation, the doctor operates in the operating room. Doctor Diba Abrar performs a spinal anesthesia (only the lower body is anesthetized, the patient is still conscious) but other doctors may use another technique, such aslocal anesthesia. intervention lasts on average one hour, but it also depends on the importance of the nymphoplasty. The patient can then be discharged the same evening.

Labiaplasty before/after © katakari –

Is labiaplasty painful?

“It’s not particularly painful, in general, drugs of the first degree are given, such as paracetamol, and often that is enough. I estimate that approximately 2 to 10% of patients need an analgesic in the second degree, such as tramadol”, explains the specialist.

What precautions after labiaplasty?

“It is very important to carefully follow the recommendations following the operation. Indeed, the vagina is a hot and humid place, so germs can grow quickly“, insists the doctor. So there are specific instructions for patients on how to take care of the points:

► “It has to be very clean. Patients must therefore wash with a foaming soaprinse, and dry well using a compress, combined with a product like Cicalfate.”

For the points to hold, the most important thing is to dry the area well and of thewrap in a sterile compress. In the days that follow, rest is essential and work is strongly discouraged for a few days. For three to six weeks following the operation (time for proper healing), theThe practice of sports activities, sexual intercourse, wearing tight clothing and baths are contraindicated.

What are the risks of labiaplasty?

“It happens that there is labiaplasty failures, which are terrible for patients. I have already operated on patients who had a bad labiaplasty with another practitioner. With the technique that I use, which is called longitudinal, there are normally very few failures”, he adds. Must therefore choose well who will do the operation : the doctor must have undergone specialized training in this form of surgery and have a certain reputation. Apart from the risks associated with anesthesia, complications can be bleedingof the hematomasof the infections or a poor healing : “Even though the loose stitches, Normally healing takes its course. But if the patient follows the instructions, it’s very rare that they don’t stick,” says the doctor.

What are the contraindications for labiaplasty?

There are no major contraindications to this operation, apart from the classic contraindications of a surgical operation (coagulation problems, allergy to an anesthetic product, history of phlebitis or pulmonary embolism, taking aspirin before the operation). The tobacco may also delay wound healing and healing. It is obvious that all this must be discussed with the doctor during the first consultation: the patient should not hesitate to ask all her questions. “The doctor must also check whether it’s not an excessive requestsays the doctor.

In some cases, this operation may be partly covered by Social Security, but it is a very low support compared to the total price and the excess fees. The prices of labiaplasty can indeed be very high, depending on the cost of the anesthesia, the clinic, the practitioner… A quote will of course be given before the operation.

Thanks to Dr. Diba Abrar, gynecologist doctor specializing in intimate surgery.
