One of the biggest enemies of the Diablo 4 community is a chair

In Diablo 4 you can expect many challenges, difficult bosses and even the opportunity to fight against other players. But one of the biggest enemies in the game is an actually harmless chair, at least according to the Reddit community.

What’s the deal with the chair? Chairs can be found in many locations in the game, but one of them in particular has caught the attention of the players. It stands near the forge and time and again players accidentally sit on it instead of interacting with the actual object of desire.

This error appears to occur regardless of whether you are using a mouse and keyboard on the PC or a controller on the consoles. This brings some players to the brink of despair.

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“It’s not a chair, it’s a trap”

What are the players saying? The Reddit thread entitled “My worst enemy in Diablo 4, i’m sure i’m not the only one” received over 1,400 upvotes and 150 comments. There are also other threads on this topic. So the chair doesn’t just bother one, but a whole bunch of players.

The user Sciencetaco writes:

On console, it’s particularly annoying when instead of clicking on things directly, you press a button to trigger what the game thinks you’re closest to. Spoiler alert: it always thinks you’re next to a chair.

However, PC gamers with a mouse and keyboard also report that they accidentally click on the chair again and again. The thread creator himself also uses a mouse:

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The user Big-Comfortable sat on it ten times in a row instead of interacting with the forge. He even describes the chair as a “trap”.

Especially the slow animation when sitting down and getting up again bothers many. “It wouldn’t be a problem if you could get up again quickly,” says user Thehoppa091.

However, there are also some users who seem to have never had this problem. They believe that with a little care, you can easily reach any object. One even complains: “In Diablo 3 there were no chairs and now the developers are bringing some and you are complaining again.”

Do the chairs have a purpose? This is also being debated on Reddit. Some claim you can bypass an AFK disconnect by simply staying in a chair. They say they weren’t thrown out even after 30 or 60 minutes without mouse movement.

Others think that there is supposed to be a hidden success once you have sat down on all chairs.

However, we have not yet been able to confirm either of these two points.

What do you think of the chairs in Diablo 4? Have they already “caught” you when you actually wanted to go to the blacksmith?

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