BTP Green 2022, Mef: “Interventions on energy, research and the environment”

BTP Green 2022 Mef Interventions on energy research and the

(Finance) – Implementation of projects to promote energy efficiency and renewable sources, modernization and sustainability interventions in transport, research on environmental sustainability, interventions to protect the environment and biological diversity, pollution prevention and control and economy circular. These are the expenses selected in the state budget and financed with the 2022 issues of the BTP Green, for a total value of 8 billion euros according to what emerges from the “2023 Report on Allocation and Impact – BTP Green”.

The document, published by Ministry of Economy and Finance, illustrates the framework for allocating resources on public spending programs and projects consistent with the goals of green government bonds. It also provides a detailed analysis of the types of expenditure (tax breaks, capital expenditure and current expenditure), as well as their breakdown over the four-year period 2019-2022.

In particular, explains the Mef, in the period considered, the interventions in the category of energy efficiency constitute the main financing item, representing 47.5% of the total. Next, the one concerning i transport to which a share of 33% is destined, attributable to capital investments (railway infrastructure, electrification of railway sections, construction of new HS/HC sections, construction of subways) and contributions to support the railway mobility of people and goods . At the protection of the environment and biological diversity instead, a share equal to 10.9% is destined, where marine protected areas, national parks and state nature reserves are the main beneficiaries of funding. At the research 5.1% of the resources are allocated, while the prevention and control of pollution and circular economy measures as well as the incentives for the production of energy from renewable sources represent, respectively, 2.9% and 0.7% of the expenditure reported in the four-year period 2019-2022.
