Crazy week in Seoul for BTS’s 10th anniversary

Crazy week in Seoul for BTSs 10th anniversary

The most famous South Korean boy band BTS celebrates its tenth anniversary this week. Created in 2013 and quickly becoming a worldwide phenomenon, they are the first South Korean group to have reached the top of the American and British charts. For the occasion, Seoul City Hall organized a major week-long festival across the city to bring together fans from all over the world. Report in Seoul by Célio Fioretti.

A festival that looks like a pilgrimage to the holy land of K-Pop. Seoul City Hall released a map this week of various iconic places where the famous boy band has been. Something to bring together South Korean fans of course, but also those from all over the world. At the foot of Hybe Tower, BTS’s agency headquarters, fans gather to take photos of a large mural painted in honor of the group. Nami traveled from the UK for the occasion. ” I came just for the festival in fact, I stay ten days, I arrived on Sunday and I leave on Tuesday […]. This is my dream. I never went to a concert. You know, since 2020, with the Covid-19 hitting us, I haven’t been able to go to a concert, so yes, it’s important “.

For Korean fans like Mi-ran, the sentiment is mixed. ” It’s the tenth anniversary, it’s absolutely essential to come here near their offices. There are paintings, works of art in their honor, you have to be there “.

The festival is an opportunity for fans to meet, like Larnie and Jane, from the Philippines and Australia. “ We met here, but thanks to BTS, we’re like a big family around the world. We came here to connect “replies Jane. ” Just see who wears purple, that’s how we recognize each other adds Larnie.

In addition to the band’s image stamps, which were all sold out in barely three hours, fans have a wide choice of merchandise. From umbrellas to badges, even passing by the famous T-money, public transport card in Korea, redecorated with the effigy of the members of the group. The young Englishwoman Nami is overflowing with memories. ” So… I bought the T-money card and… excuse me it’s a mess, [rires] I bought them all, just as a souvenir, I’m not going to use them! It cost me around thirty euros, something like that “.

Look at all the gifts we got, whole bags. The cafe next door offers souvenirs when you buy a drink, there’s plenty to choose from. So, we have a bit of everything and we’re going to share our little memories of BTS says Miran.

Long wait for fans

Memories to make fans wait until the full return of the group in 2025. Indeed, since the end of last year, the members of BTS must perform their compulsory military service. A break of almost two years for the seven members of the group who will all gradually serve in the military. Jin led the way in December, followed by J-Hope in April.

If the fans are sad, they take it philosophically. “ We wish them the best in the army, they will all go, but in 2025 we will find them. So, I’m going to save some money and come back here! We are with them for military service, we take it upon ourselves and we will be reunited in 2025. But, I think it can give them some time for themselves. The celebrity life, as much as you want it to be, is a pretty lonely life. So I think it’s good that they have time for themselves says Jane.

The group however celebrated its anniversary with the release of a new title, Take Two, in other words second take, as if to mark a new stage in their musical career. The BTS phenomenon is not about to stop.

>> To listen also: Grand Reportage – K-Pop, the making of a phenomenon
