Ex Ilva, tomorrow at the Ministry of Labor new confrontation between the parties for the CIG

Ex Ilva tomorrow at the Ministry of Labor new confrontation

(Finance) – Tomorrow, at 2 pm, there will be a videoconference meeting at Ministry of Labour to continue the joint examination for the request for extraordinary redundancy fund for the former Ilva. The meeting comes after the first summit which was also held at the Ministry yesterday between Italian steelworksex Ilva, e labor unions metalworkers during which, however, no agreement was reached. The company asked for the redundancy fund by way of derogation for 2,500 employees of the Taranto plant starting from 19 June.

The new shock absorber social is in continuity with the current one, the extraordinary fund, which at the end of March, again at the Ministry of Labour, was renewed for another year for 3,000 units of the whole group apart from 2,500 employees at Tarentum. The shorter duration in Taranto of the extraordinary fund is due to the depletion of the ceiling for the Apulian site. Hence the need for one solution alternative such as the cash register in derogation.

The trade unions, however, said they were unwilling to sign the fund by way of derogation for the 2,500 workers. “If there is no cash in derogation by 19 June, Acciaierie d’Italia said today that it will leave everything to the evaluation of the shareholders because, in its opinion, the 2020 agreements provided for the CIG until the end of 2025”, he explained David Hope you, Uilm secretary, at the end of the meeting. “The unions today said that they are not available to sign a derogation from the cash register, even the acronyms who signed the agreement on the extraordinary cash register in March, but not us at Uilm – added Sperti – and the cash register without exception agreement trade union there can’t be any.”

Sperti had then highlighted another obstacledetermined by the fact that the Puglia region no longer has powers over the fund by way of derogation and does not have the resources for the coverage of other social shock absorbers. “Now we are trying to see between the Ministry of Labor and the Region what solutions are possibly possible”, she added.

Also CGIL And Fiom they had expressed “very strong perplexities” about the companies’ intentions, “finding an unjustified increase in the use of layoffs and a unilateral and out of control company management of shock absorbers, even in the presence of a ministerial agreement”.

The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo bear, intervened in recent days on the future of the Taranto steel site, stating that for the former Ilva “we have reached the decision-making moment”. Urso recalled having summoned the table with the unions for 19 June. The minister aims for a “fully constructive dialogue with foreign investors” but “the state exists” and wants to make Taranto “the largest green steel company in Europe and a model for the planet”. “We intend to do it anyway”, he adds, explaining that there is “also the possibility of a new industrial partner”. However, the unions have asked that the State, through Invitaliaassumes “the majority of the property as soon as possible, putting an end to this continuous tug-of-war between ArcelorMittal and the government which is at the expense of the workers”.
