Vaginal flora: role, how to rebalance it?

Vaginal flora role how to rebalance it

The vaginal flora is mainly made up of good bacteria intended to fight against viruses, microbes and other fungi likely to proliferate there. How to preserve and balance the vaginal flora?

What is the role of the vaginal flora?

The vaginal flora, also called flora of Döderlein, is composed of 90% lactobacilli, good bacteria that produce lactic acid, allowing the vagina to maintain an acidic pH, necessary for its proper balance. These bacteria play the role of protective barriers by preventing pathogenic germs from developing in the vagina and adhering to it. When pathogenic germs are in the minority, they are quite tolerable in the vagina. “The problem is when the lactobacillus goes down and another germ takes oversays Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist. The two most common vaginal flora imbalances are mycosisdue to the proliferation of candida albicans, and vaginosis due to the development of gardnerella vaginalis. If these germs take over and cause symptoms (loss, burning, itching, odor) vulvovaginitis (inflammation and infection of the vaginal flora) will occur. An imbalance of the vaginal flora is never an STI, it is linked to the host“.

What are the causes of an imbalanced vaginal flora?

Many factors are likely to cause an imbalance in the vaginal flora: stress, fatigue, smoking, hormonal imbalance, too aggressive personal hygiene, wearing too tight clothes or the fact of wiping from back to front, promoting the proliferation of germs from the anus to the vagina. “Mycosis is often linked to taking antibiotics because these drugs kill lactobacilli, promoting the proliferation of fungi. Vulvovaginitis may be related to streptococcus B or be non-specific with a mixture of germs“, details the gynecologist.

What are the symptoms of an imbalanced vaginal flora?

An imbalance of the vaginal flora linked to a mycosis is manifested by burning, irritation, itching, redness at the level of the vulva as well as white discharge resembling curdled milk. Vaginosis causes fluid losses, of variable abundance, lightly coloured, slightly irritating but very smelly. Vaginosis is triggered by increased pH in the vagina. “Of the bleeding that lasts a long time and are repeated increase pH and risk of vaginosis. Repeated and frequent sex without a condom also increases the risk of vaginosis“says the gynecologist.

What does an unbalanced vaginal flora smell like?

It all depends on the cause at the origin of the dysregulation of the vaginal flora. A yeast infection has no particular odor while vaginal discharge that occurs as part of a vaginosis smell like rotten fish.

What treatment to rebalance your vaginal flora?

Before rebalancing the vaginal flora, it is necessary to treat the cause of its imbalance. “For example, the treatment of mycosis consists in introducing an egg in the vagina and applying an antifungal cream to the vulva. The treatment of vaginosis is based on the administration of a single dose of a specific antibiotic from the imidazole family (Secnol®) for 7 days, and an egg (flagyl) to be inserted into the vagina“, develops Dr. Odile Bagot. Then comes the rebalancing of the vaginal flora by probiotics. “Vaginal probiotics are doomed to disappear, except for the Trophil® which is prescribed by prescription except for contraindications (breast or endometrial cancer) because it contains estrogen. The alternative to vaginal probiotics are oral probioticse which are considered dietary supplements to be taken for 1 month. Prebiotics, on the other hand, administered in the form of intravaginal gel, provide nutrients to lactobacilli and thus will allow the specific endogenous vaginal flora to regenerate“, she continues.

Thank you to Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist, author of Vagin & cie we tell you everything, published by Mango and My Gynecological Survival Guide, at Marabout.
