Anti-hangover essential oils

Anti hangover essential oils

Lemon, Peppermint… Certain essential oils help make a hangover pass faster, find a regenerated liver and improve digestion. Which for which symptoms?

After a drunken evening or having consumed a lot of alcohol, the body is dehydrated and has difficulty eliminating accumulated toxins. The liver has been overworked to drain the body, which can lead to nausea, headache, and sometimes vomiting. We are muddy, dehydrated, “groggy“… This is what is called in colloquial language”the Hangover“. Good news, some essential oils help relieve hangover-related symptoms and contribute to better liver recovery. Please note that the use of essential oils is not trivial and must be accompanied by precautions (contraindications…). Do not take any essential oil at any time!

Which essential oil to regenerate the liver?

Peppermint essential oil organic is rich in menthol, which has proven refreshing properties. It is also beneficial for the liver and draining. Its action is concentrated and particularly interesting when you have swallowed a strong dose of alcohol. It helps to relieve the feeling of intense thirst (prevents dehydration). 1 drop of Peppermint essential oil and 1 drop of Ginger essential oil to deposit on a neutral tablet and let melt in the mouth. To be repeated every 30 minutes 2 to 3 times in a row until the condition improves.

Organic rosemary verbenone essential oil helps the liver to drain the body, and cleans it at the same time: mix 1 to 2 drops of Rosemary essential oil in a teaspoon of organic extra virgin olive oil, leave in the mouth for a few moments before swallow. It can also be used Prevention, before alcohol consumption, to drain the liver and support it in its process of filtering toxins: 2 to 3 times a daytake a drop of organic rosemary verbenone essential oil on a neutral tablet.

The essential oil of Organic lovage is detoxifying and helps neutralize toxins and waste. In mixture in your oily preparation, apply your mixture locally in friction on the upper belly.

Which essential oil to relieve nausea due to alcohol?

Organic Peppermint essential oil (not suitable for pregnant women): 2 drops on a neutral tablet, several times a day until the symptom improves.

Organic lemon essential oil (suitable for pregnant women): 1 drop directly under the tongue, 4 to 5 times a day if necessary, start in the morning on an empty stomach, or 1 to 2 drops to dilute in a lukewarm herbal tea.

Organic tarragon essential oil is antispasmodic and relieves digestive spasms: 1 drop on a little sugar to renew if necessary.

Organic ginger essential oil acts as a digestive tonic: swallow 2 drops in a spoonful of honey, 2 to 3 times until it stops.

Which essential oil to relieve a headache due to alcohol?

Organic Peppermint essential oil relieves headache and also helps digestion: pour 1 to 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil in a glass of water and mix before drinking.

Which essential oil for better digestion after alcohol?

Organic Basil essential oil promotes digestion and limits gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and bloating: 1 to 2 drops of Basil essential oil are enough, mixed with a little honey for example.

SymptomsRecommended Essential OilContraindications
Tired liver, digestive disordersOrganic LemonNot recommended in the first three months of pregnancy
Digestive disorders, reflux and bloatingOrganic Basil Prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or in children under 6 years old
Digestive disorders, headachesOrganic RosemaryProhibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or in children under 7 years old, epileptics and sensitive elderly people
Headaches, nausea and spasmsOrganic PeppermintProhibited in pregnant and breastfeeding women, epileptics, children under 6 and the elderly
Nausea, vomiting, spasmsOrganic TarragonProhibited during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, or in children under 6 years old
Vomiting, digestive spasmsOrganic gingerAvoid during the first 3 months of pregnancy
Liver comfortOrganic lovage Forbidden to pregnant or breastfeeding women, children

What to do against a hangover?

  • Of course: drink in moderation
  • Stay hydrated (especially before going to bed to avoid dehydration) by drinking mineral-rich water (Vichy, etc.)
  • THE baking soda can also help you: dilute ½ teaspoon in a glass of water and drink slowly.
  • Avoid diuretic drinks such as tea and coffee
  • Avoid fruit juices and acidic foods to limit stomach pain.
  • Ventilate and breathe deeply, to oxygenate the blood and promote blood elimination.
  • Eat easily digestible foods and enough before drinking alcohol: food helps absorb alcohol.
  • Rest to speed “healing”
  • Avoid heavy exertion and sun exposure during the day.

The Hangover fades generally after a few hours And rarely lasts longer than 24 hours. If symptoms persist, consider consulting a doctor.

Thanks to Emilie Garel, Psycho-Nutritionist and Specialized Nutritionist of the Medoucine network
