Why go to a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist?

Why go to a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist

A psychiatrist is a doctor who specializes in mental health. But what is the difference with a psychologist? When to consult it? Definition and discovery of this profession.

What is the definition of a psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a physician specializing in mental health issues. After studying general medicine, he continued with a four-year course in psychiatry. This health professional can work in the hospital, public care structures in town, private structures, private liberal practice. He is registered with the College of Physicians and he must therefore respect the Code of medical ethics. Like any doctor, the psychiatrist is authorized to prescribe medication, antidepressants or anxiolytics for example. He can also decide on hospitalization.

What does a psychiatrist treat?

The psychiatrist specializes in the treatment behavioral and personality disorders. Different diseases fall within its area of ​​expertise:

  • the Depression,
  • schizophrenia,
  • psychoses,
  • bipolar disorders,
  • manic depression,
  • addictions,
  • phobias,
  • paranoid disorders,
  • manic disorders,
  • autism
  • anxiety,
  • mourning,
  • sleeping or eating disorders…

What drugs can he prescribe?

Depending on the patient’s symptoms, he establishes his diagnosis and can, if he deems it necessary, prescribe medication such as psychotropics, anxiolytics, antidepressants, neuroleptics, hypnotics, antiepileptics… He is also able to decide on hospitalization of his patient if he considers him dangerous for himself or for others.

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

Unlike the psychiatrist, the psychologist is not doctor, he is an academic: this professional holds a master’s degree in psychology. As such, he cannot prescribe medication : it is through words that he treats his patient’s mental illness. He takes care of various disorders: sleep problems, stress, depression… He can help him overcome a painful ordeal, manage relationship problems, regain control of his life… There are several disciplines: behavioral psychology, cognitive psychology…

Why go to a psychiatrist instead of a psychologist?

It all depends on everyone. Some will prefer to see a psychologist because they have negative connotations about psychiatrists in mind, even though they are often mistaken. Others focusing on the pecuniary aspect will more easily consult a psychiatrist, because the sessions will be reimbursed to them. Others, finally, consult both at the same time: the psychiatrist prescribes the drugs and the psychologist provides the psychological support. Beyond the profession, it is more the professional’s way of working that is important to clearly identify. Some psychiatrists deal primarily with diagnosis and the prescription of drugs, others on the contrary offer psychotherapies, or even psychoanalysis. As far as psychologists are concerned, practices also vary: some mainly deal with children and teenagersothers offer behavioral and cognitive therapies, still others are specialized in the management of eating disorders, etc.

When to consult a psychiatrist?

It’s not so much the hardness of the ordeal you’ve been through that should lead you to consult a psychiatrist, but the feelings you have about it.says Dr Lemoine, psychiatrist in Lyon. If the disorder interferes with your daily life, your relationships with others, your work… consult quickly“. Making the right choice of practitioner is important. Start by listening to word of mouth. Consulting the directory of the College of Physicians is also a solution.

The first session is a contact : the psychiatrist inquires about the reasons that led the patient to consult him by asking him about his symptoms, the repercussions on his daily life, their degree of importance… “The idea is to establish a first diagnosis in order to be able to treat the patient effectivelynotes the expert. If necessary, he can prescribe laboratory analyzes (blood and urine tests) and sometimes medical imaging“. On the patient’s side, do not hesitate to ask questions about the doctor’s working methods. It is important that you feel comfortable with the practitioner. If this is not the case, nothing will happen to you. forces you to make another appointment, you are in no way committed to him.

Before the first appointment, it can be useful to prepare for the interview by briefly setting out in your head or on paper the reasons for your consultation and what you expect. Practical question, if you are between 16 and 25 years old, as part of the coordinated care pathway, the psychiatrist can be consulted in direct access. For others, a prior consultation with your doctor is necessary.

What is the price of a consultation? Is it reimbursed?

The cost of a consultation varies greatly from one psychiatrist to another. Like any other doctor, it all depends on whether he is contracted or if he practices free fees. The psychiatrist can issue care sheets so that you are reimbursed by health insurance and your mutual. If the psychiatrist consulted is approved to sector 1, it applies the rate set by agreement with the Health Insurance, ie €46.70. If it is agreed to sector 2, he practices free fees. The session is reimbursed at 70% of the conventional rate.

What studies to do to become a psychiatrist?

After six years of study at the faculty of medicine, you have to follow a four-year internship. To be able to bear the title of “Doctor”, the student must, at the end of his studies, submit a research thesis.

Thanks to Dr Patrick Lemoine, psychiatrist in Lyon.
