The woman was arrested by chance after the knife attack

Several children have been attacked in one week by a woman in Ängelholm.
On Monday, the same woman is suspected of stabbing a ten-year-old girl unprovoked.
According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, she is 34 years old and had a bloody knife on her at the time of the arrest, which is described as accidental.

The police were alerted at 17:08 on Monday.

Passers-by had found a badly injured and bloody ten-year-old girl outside near a school in Ängelholm, according to information to TV4 Nyheterna. The private person took the child to a nearby residence and called 112.

The girl was rushed to hospital by ambulance. During the night it was announced that the damage is serious but stable. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, she had been stabbed several times in the upper body.

A large police operation was launched in the area. By chance, a patrol should have passed a 34-year-old woman who aroused the police’s interest, according to TV4 Nyhetern’s data. When they checked her, a bloody knife was found, several sources told Nyheterna.

The woman was arrested just over a quarter of an hour after the first call to the police. She was later arrested on suspicion of attempted murder. According to the police, there is no indication that she has any connection with the victim.

Under investigation for several attacks on children

The Ängelholm police went out on Sunday with a wanted list after several violent crimes occurred in the municipality.

“The reported incidents took place between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. during the period 31/5-7/6 and were in all cases carried out by a woman,” the police wrote on social media.

According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, it is about several children being attacked unprovoked, and the woman who has now been arrested is also being investigated for these events.

The 34-year-old was sentenced just over ten years ago for having exposed a man, with whom she lived, to violence. She was initially charged with gross breach of the peace, but the man later chose to withdraw his information and said that the woman did not subject him to systematic violence at all. The woman was convicted of three counts of assault and acquitted of three more counts.

TV4 Nyheterna has sought the woman’s lawyer.

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