In this country, we make love for the first time much younger than anywhere else

In this country we make love for the first time

Which countries are champions of sex in terms of quantity, quality, or age of onset of sexual intercourse? Here is a crisp list that will surprise you in more ways than one.

In which country do we make love the most, in which do we like to practice it the most and finally, where on the planet do we start having a sexual life the earliest? With the approach of summer, known to be the hottest season, you may be surprised by the answers to these (particularly) crispy questions, compiled by the site specializing in the theme of travel Vagabondish from a recent study launched by the Durex brand of condoms.

In which countries do we make love the most?

In the area of ​​the most sexually active countries, Brazil is the favorite (not far ahead of the French), but it turns out ultimately that … it is the Greeks who make love more than anyone else (!). 87% of the Greeks questioned had sex at least once a week (Brazil came second, with 82% of respondents in this case).

Percentage of adults having at least one sexual encounter per week, by country

  • Greece: 87%
  • Brazil: 82%
  • Russia: 80%
  • China: 78%
  • Italy: 76%
  • Poland: 76%
  • Malaysia: 74%
  • Switzerland: 72%
  • Spain: 72%
  • Mexico: 71%

You are probably a little surprised to see Russia, China, Poland or Switzerland appear in this list, but you have to believe that the appeal of indoor sports does not depend on the climate. Be careful however, these countries whose inhabitants make love most frequently are not necessarily those where they derive the most satisfaction from it… Hence the following section.

Quality versus quantity: which countries practice the “best” sex?

Top 10 most sexually satisfied countries

  • Nigeria: 67%
  • Mexico: 63%
  • India: 61%
  • Poland: 54%
  • Greece: 51%
  • Holland: 50%
  • South Africa: 50%
  • Spain: 49%
  • Canada: 48%
  • United States: 48%

You wouldn’t necessarily have bet on Nigeria in pole position in this category? Yet it is in this richest country in Africa according to IMF 2023 data (International Monetary Fund) – on the basis of GDP – that the parts of legs in the air delight the most citizens according to the study mentioned at the beginning of the article. Japan ranks dead last on this point, with only 15% of Japanese respondents declaring themselves sexually satisfied. Now you might be wondering…

How do we define sexual satisfaction?

  • Free of any constraint and without stress
  • With an ability to reach orgasm
  • Without sexual dysfunction at the “mechanical” level
  • By the frequency of intercourse and foreplay

According to the Durex study, only 48% of people regularly experience an orgasm during sex (and globally, men have twice as many orgasms as women).

We now come to the last question listed at the top of this article, but not the least, regarding sexual behavior across the planet:

In which countries do people start their sex life the earliest?

Here are the ten countries in which love is made the earliest, with the corresponding average ages:

  • Iceland: 15.6
  • Denmark: 16.1
  • Sweden: 16.2
  • Finland: 16.5
  • Norway: 16.5
  • Israel: 16.7
  • Portugal: 16.9
  • Bulgaria: 16.9
  • Chile: 17.2
  • Belgium: 17.2

The Icelanders are therefore the precocious in the world and make love for the first time before everyone else. The weather seems to have an impact on this though…as northern Europeans get busy with “the trifle” earlier than in any other part of the world, as you can see from the Top 5 above. In Iceland, ranked n°1, it is particularly likely that the panel of occupations reduced by the weather conditions gives naughty ideas to (young) inhabitants…
