This simple accessory guarantees deep sleep, according to Oxford researchers

This simple accessory guarantees deep sleep according to Oxford researchers

Do you often wake up at night? Your sleep is not restorative? Researchers have highlighted the interest of sleeping with an accessory that we all know and that you may already have in your bedside table…

Immunity, memory, energy… THE sleep play a essential role in many physiological functions. Sleeping well and long enough is crucial for the functioning of the brain and the body in general. One of enemies of sleep it’s here light. A large body of evidence has confirmed that being exposed to light while sleeping affects the quality and quantity of sleep. Based on this observation, researchers have studied the sleep of 89 volunteers aged 18 to 35, in good health with no history of substance abuse, psychological, neurological or sleep disorders.

According to their results published in the journal sleeping (Oxford University Press), they confirm the benefit of wearing an eye mask while sleeping for improve the quality of sleep. By blocking light from reaching the retina during sleep, the mask eliminates light disturbances and visual distractions during the rest period.

It improves memory and attention skills

This phenomenon promotes a environment conducive to relaxation and recovery. The mask also promotes deep sleep which allows tooptimize learning abilities.Our results suggest that using an eye mask during sleep may improve memory performance and next day wakefulnessthey explain. During the deep sleep phase, our brain consolidates the information we learned during the day, which helps us remember things better and improves our ability to concentrate and learn.

Finally, wear a mask while sleeping would increase alertness and attention. The participants reacted faster to an attention test after using the mask at night because they were more awake and more attentive. For Research Authors “the eye mask is a simple, economical and non-invasive means to get the most out of a night’s sleep”.
