Personal information of everyone living in Turkey is sold on a website.

Personal information of everyone living in Turkey is sold on

As reported by the Free Web Turkey website, the personal information of everyone living in Turkey can be easily found on a website.

According to the news shared by Free Web Turkey Citizens can be registered on the site with an e-mail account. personal data such as name and surname, full address, phone number and bank account information. It is said that these can be easily found by searching for a person’s first and last name. It is seen that the total number of users on the mentioned site is 5,195, the site is also the same “service” Also available on Telegram and Discord. Foreign nationals legally residing in Turkey and registered in the e-Government system are also among those whose personal information can be obtained on the site. As far as it is reported, it is necessary to purchase a “VIP” membership in order to access detailed information such as financial or title deed. In addition to all of them, it has been revealed that the administrators of the site are openly advertising on Twitter as well as this page.


Speaking on the subject, MLSA Co-Director Veysel Ok said that there was a great crime: “All the personal data of everyone living in Turkey, personal data about the relatives of the people, IBAN and bank information, title deed information, address information have been seized. Those who seized this data committed a major crime under the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) and the Turkish Penal Code (TCK). However, this is a crime committed not only by those who steal the data, but also by state officials who do not protect the data of people living in Turkey.” Ok continued his words as follows: “Right now, anyone has the opportunity to access any information they want. This is a crime with great and dire consequences.” But Ok said this imprudence was not surprising: “The former Minister of Interior was using an app called KİM on his phone. We said that this is also illegal. Who will protect the safety of citizens in a situation where even the Ministry of Interior does not pay attention to personal data? Prosecutors need to take immediate action against those who steal and publish this data, and those who do not take measures to protect the data.”
