Latest news – Drug surgeon had 300 patients’ data at home

  • Drug surgeon had 300 patients’ records at home

    A surgeon at Lund University Hospital was sentenced to several years in prison in April for serious drug offences.

    Now it has emerged that he had personal data from over 300 personal data in his home, reports SVT News Skåne.

    – It’s about everything from personal data to names and some individual journal documents, says Stefan Santén.

    Region Skåne has reported the incident to the privacy protection authority, IMY.

  • Latest news

  • Man with sword arrested in Uppsala

    A 35-year-old man with a sword was arrested in central Uppsala late on Thursday evening, the police write on their website.

    The man is suspected of a serious crime against the Knife Act.

    There are no reports of injured persons.

  • Nightclub disturbs – The opera is forced to cancel the performance

    The sound leaks from the Café Opera nightclub. It disturbs so much that the Royal Opera is forced to cancel Friday’s performance of “Short stories”, reports TT.

    The need for renovation of the Opera House has been going on for many years. But the sound leakage is a new problem.

    – It shows the unsustainable situation that Sweden’s national stage for opera and ballet does not have a worthy second stage, says Fredrik Lindgren, CEO of the Royal Opera in Stockholm to TT.

  • Suspected PKK man charged – “good for the NATO process”

    Today, a man is charged on suspicion of trying to finance the terrorist organization PKK.

    The indictment is positive for Sweden’s relationship with Turkey and there with the NATO process, according to Michael Sahlin, former Swedish ambassador to Turkey.

    “This case will be seen as an example of how we actually apply this new law. So it certainly registers as a step in the right direction,” he adds Echo.

  • Relatives of the sick must receive better support

    The government is appointing an inquiry that will make proposals on how the support for relatives of sick people should be improved, TT reports.

    This applies to relatives of people who are seriously, short- and long-term ill.

    The support could be a contact person or a national family line.

    Today, the support can differ greatly between the regions and in some cases not exist at all, according to the government.

  • Trump is impeached

    Former US President Donald Trump is charged in the legal case over how he handled classified documents.

    According to CNN and several other media, the indictment covers seven crimes.

    Read more in Aftonbladet’s article.

  • Police chase in central Stockholm

    The police chased the suspected robbers on Kungsbron. Photo: Mattias Kling

    The police had an operation near the central station in Stockholm after midnight. A person was robbed of money on Vasagatan and the police then chased after suspected perpetrators on Kungsgatan.

    – We saw that the picket bus stopped on the bridge. Then a female police officer jumped out and began walking at a leisurely pace after a person. That person then started to run, whereupon the police ran back, jumped into the bus, turned on the blue light and drove about 100 meters, says a witness.

    – Fairly immediately after that, 5-6 policemen came running in the same direction. They too stopped and looked down at the tracks.

    At the same time, a helicopter hovered in the air above Kungsbron.

    According to the police officer on duty, one person has been detained.

  • Zelenskyi: Thank you Greta

    Greta Thunberg attacks Russia after the dam collapse in Kavochka.

    “This ecocide as a continuation of Russia’s unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine is yet another atrocity that leaves the world speechless. Our eyes are once again directed at Russia, which must be held accountable for its crimes,” she writes on Twitter.

    Now she is thanked by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

    “Thank you for your position and for maintaining the truth Greta Thunberg! Russia must be held accountable for all its evil against people, life and nature!”.

  • Teenager on scooter hit by police car

    A teenager has been taken to hospital after being hit by a police car in Norrtälje.

    According to the police, the accident happened at low speed on a pedestrian and cycle path.

    The teenager is said to be injured in the foot and was taken to the hospital in the police car.

    The police department for special investigations has drawn up a report regarding a traffic accident.

  • Young man dead after shark attack

    A man in his 20s has died after being attacked by a shark off the Egyptian resort of Hurghada.

    This is reported by The Guardian, among others.

    Several people witnessed the attack and tried to help the man, but his life could not be saved.

    According to the Russian state-controlled Tass news agency, the 20-year-old was a Russian citizen who settled in Egypt permanently.

    The beach where the attack took place has been cordoned off and the matter will be investigated by the police.

  • Man found dead in water

    Last week, the police received an alert about a man who had fallen into the water at Bergviksbron in Piteå.

    The man, who is in his 50s, has now been found dead.

    According to the police, the man fell in connection with working on the bridge.

    The man has not yet been identified, but relatives of the man who has been missing since last week have been notified.

  • Man taken to hospital after quad bike accident

    The police have been alerted to a single accident involving a four-wheeler in the municipality of Hofors.

    The driver, a 35-year-old man, was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    There is no information on the state of the damage.

    The man is suspected of drunk driving.

  • Boy shot with water gun – abused by man

    A man has been arrested on suspicion of assaulting a 15-year-old boy in Varberg.

    The police say the boy allegedly fired a water gun and hit the man in the face.

    The man then allegedly became “very upset” and attacked the boy. Among other things, he allegedly wrestled him down and threatened him.

    The man is now suspected of grossly unlawful threats, assault and violation of the Knife Act.

    There is currently no information on the boy’s condition.

  • EU countries agree on migration

    After years of negotiations, the EU’s member states agree on a common asylum and migration policy, writes TT.

    The compromise for which support is sought continues to mean that asylum and migration management must primarily take place in the EU country where the new arrivals first arrive. But all other countries also promise to help when the situation is tough, either with redistribution or personnel or equipment or pure money.

    – Thank you for working so hard, says Swedish meeting leader Maria Malmer Stenergard.

  • Tired man rested on E4

    SOS was alerted about a stationary car on the E4 between Bredäng and Kungens kurva.

    When the police called the driver, he said he was tired and felt he needed to rest.

    “The staff at the command center explained that the place he had chosen to rest did not work,” the police write on their website.

    The man then proceeded to the next exit to continue his rest.

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  • Do you know if there is any attack on outlook right now? We cannot access our email accounts


  • It happens quite often that you publish some news without mentioning the place where it happened.

    Hope you can change that 🙂


    Totally agree! But… it says it’s in Örnsköldsvik?

  • Is the woman in Pajala found


    Hello! The last update from the police came at 10 on Sunday morning, when the woman had not been found.

  • What does a kangaroo do in Norway? Shouldn’t they die of the cold?

    Nice life

    It is around 20 degrees in the area right now. It should clear that? It has fur.

  • Hi, only subscribers can write here and get replies. Tried to write a little, but right now I’m not a subscriber anymore and I don’t get a reply from you?


    Well, everyone can write here 🙂 We answer as many as we can and have time!

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