This pleasure food good for the liver, recommended by a hepatologist

This pleasure food good for the liver recommended by a

The liver is an organ that can quickly become clogged with fats, sugars, alcohol or other toxins. Good news, a food that we all have at home would allow us to regenerate it, according to our hepatologist.

THE liver is an essential organ for the proper functioning of the body. It’s a real “wastewater treatment plant” of our body: it participates in blood filtration, protein synthesis, digestion and processing of toxins. But when he is overloaded with fat or clogged with toxins, this organ can no longer function properly. “Only the fact of change your lifestyle such as eating less fat, less sugar, doing more physical activity, walking more… melt liver fat and improve the state of health of diseased liver“, warns Pr Patrick Marcellin, hepatologist at Beaujon Hospital. Diet therefore plays a major role in liver health and some foods are better than others. To regenerate, the liver needsantioxidantsmolecules naturally present in certain foods that help to delay aging liver cells, clean them and of limit their inflammation. And among the foods that contain the most, there is cocoa. “Contrary to what one might think, chocolate is good for the liver, says our specialist. Yes, To provided it is black and with a cocoa content greater than 70%. Moreover, “dark chocolate is rich magnesium (it contains 206 mg per 100 g, so 10.3 mg per tile!) and we know that magnesium is a mineral that has a protective effect on the liver“, adds our interlocutor. According to several scientific studies, a diet rich in magnesium would reduce by 30% THE risk have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH). It would also decrease the liver damage linked to cirrhosis. A “pleasure” food to be consumed daily (but in reasonable quantities!). According to the hepatologist, one can take dthem three small squares of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa or more per day.
