Swaddling: an effective technique to soothe baby?

Swaddling an effective technique to soothe baby

Swaddling is an ancient technique that is said to have benefits for some babies. It needs to be used well, as it is not safe at night. Explanations with Anna Roy, midwife and advice from mothers.

When a baby is born and until about three months old, some parents use the swaddling technique. For parents, it calms the child when he is restless or helps him fall asleep. But according to various studies, this ancestral method has long been singled out, accused of increasing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. SO, is it really good to swaddle baby? How to do ? Answers with Anna Roy, midwife, and with two mothers who shared their opinions with us.

What is swaddling?

Swaddling consists of limiting baby’s movements by wrapping him in a swaddle to remind him of his life in utero.

Is it good to swaddle baby, in which cases?

“I am in favor of swaddling babies who need it, but not all children. Thus, babies who are excitable, feverish can be soothed by this technique“, explains Anna Roy.

Swaddling is also recommended for babies who have digestive problems like reflux or for those prone to cinfant olics“, emphasizes the midwife, who also recalls that the baby must have eaten before being swaddled and that he must of course be under the constant supervision of an adult.

On the other hand, the specialist advises against swaddling when the child is sick. “If he has any particular health problems, he should seek advice from a health professional.“, she advises.

“Swaddling is good for babies who need it.”

Can you swaddle baby at night?

Swaddling baby all night is strongly discouraged. Anne Roy is very clear: “I advise against it for the good reason that you cannot permanently monitor your child. Gold, the swaddle can come undone and suffocate the baby. It is therefore necessary to be very strict concerning the safety instructions“.

Until what age can a baby be swaddled?

If your baby is nervous and needs to be cocooned, you can test swaddling from birth and stop after a few weeks. “It depends on the babies, but swaddling is rarely of interest beyond 3 or 4 months. At this age, babies no longer like to be restrained and struggle. They just don’t see any point in it anymore!”says the expert.

“Swaddling is rarely of interest beyond 3 or 4 months”.

Good to know : from 3 months, voluntary motor skills become more important than reflex motor skills. The child then begins to become aware of his body and feels the need to be free to move.

The technique for swaddling baby is done in several steps using a swaddle.

  • Fold the diaper and position your child in the center with the shoulders just below the fold. Place his right arm along his slightly bent body.
  • Fold the right side of the swaddle over your child’s arm and torso and tuck the fabric under their body. Leave his left arm free to move.
  • Then fold the lower part of the diaper upwards, covering the baby’s feet. Tuck the end into the top of the diaper.
  • Place your child’s left arm along his slightly bent body.
  • Fold the rest of the swaddle over baby’s arm and torso, tucking the fabric under his body to hold the fabric in place.

Which swaddle to use for swaddling baby?

To swaddle baby well, the ideal is to choose and use a large diaper in a natural and breathable material (bamboo, cotton, linen), to let the air pass and so that the touch is pleasant for the child. Some specialty brands offer swaddles, such as the Aden + Anaïs Easy Swaddle maxi-swaddleTHE Nobodinoz and Lässig brandsor Vertbaudet and Orchestra, which offer them at low prices with club advantages.

What are moms’ opinions on swaddling?

The opinion of Cécile, mother of Paul, two and a half years old, on swaddling

I used a swaddling blanket when my son was two months old because he had uncontrolled movements and moved a lot in his crib. He liked babywearing and was anxious when he was no longer in my arms. Being restrained limited his arm movements. It soothed him and made it easier for him to fall asleep during naps, even though his dad felt like it was a practice from another age!”

The opinion on the swaddling of Amélie, mother of Ella, 9 years old and Ismael, 6 years old

“When I was pregnant with my eldest daughter, I realized that this little being nestled warm inside me like in a cocoon would soon be confronted with so many new things (noises, smells, cold, hunger… ). A friend then offered me a gigantic diaper saying to me: ‘with that, you can always make a giant sausage out of it’. What was just a joke turned out to be the best idea of ​​the century. I never watched a tutorial, I went there on instinct. As soon as she was born, I swaddled her tightly at first, as I found that was more effective in reassuring her. The swaddling has been very useful, especially during the famous evening crises. This technique has also helped my son to overcome the pain associated with small gastric lifts.”

Thanks to Anna Roy, midwife and author of “Become a mom for dummies” (Ed. First) and “Are we talking about my perineum?“, (Ed. Leduc).
