Street Fighter 6 Power Rangers mod

Street Fighter 6 Power Rangers mod

Street Fighter 6, the new game of Capcom’s famous series, is meeting soon with Power Rangers mode.

The newest game in Capcom’s famous series, Street Fighter 6yea, Power Rangers mod is coming. This pack released by the mod makers turns Ryu into a Power Ranger. The Power Rangers mode, which comes in two versions, wears the iconic Power Ranger helmet in one, and does not wear it in the second version.

Street Fighter 6 gets Power Rangers mode

Based on MonkeyGigaBuster’s Power Rangers mod from Street Fighter 5, this mod is also coming for SF6. Remy2FANG, which edits the MDF file to make certain parts of the costumes brighter and better, went further and added its own CMask textures.

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While there is no video showing this mod, some screenshots are provided. Judging by the screenshots and character appearances, it looks like it turned out pretty well. According to the mod developers, there are only 2 customizable colors that work. Stating that he does not have time to work on other colors, the mod developer expressed that he is not willing to work on new costume colors.

Power Rangers mod developed for Street Fighter 6 from here you can download.
