Designated Hamas Man: A smear campaign

Designated Hamas Man A smear campaign

Published: Less than 40 min ago

Designated Hamas man Amin Abu Rashid is fighting back against the accusations.

He denies that he finances terrorism and says that he is engaged in humanitarian work that complies with EU regulations.

– I do not belong to the Hamas movement, any other political party or group. I am a Palestinian activist who works in Europe where I have lived for 32 years, he tells Aftonbladet.

The Social Democratic Member of Parliament Jamal El-Haj has received harsh criticism for having participated in a Palestinian conference in Malmö. The reason is that the chairman of the conference, Amin Abu Rashid, is alleged to have links to terrorist-branded Hamas.

In an email interview with Aftonbladet, Rashid strongly denies the accusations and calls it a smear campaign.

– Those behind the smear campaign have failed to find anything to criticize about the content of the conference, he writes.

full screenAmin Abu Rashid receives an honorary award from senior Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Solidarity campaigns

Rashid further writes that the conference was apolitical and aimed at bringing together Palestinians from all segments. The organizers have been keen to include all sections of the Palestinian people, regardless of affiliation.

Aftonbladet has asked several questions about the alleged Hamas connections, which Rashid chooses to answer in a joint statement. In the statement, he says that he is engaged in aid work that follows EU rules and is not connected to any political party.

full screen Amin Abu Rashid on the left next to the social democratic member of parliament Jamal Jamal El-Haj.

– I participated in solidarity campaigns to lift the siege of the Gaza Strip, by delivering aid via European convoys. As part of my humanitarian work, I had meetings with Palestinian leaders representing different political parties, he says.

Absurd to use the image

One of these leaders was Ismail Haniyeh, a leading figure in Hamas.

– I took pictures with him that have been used in these hate campaigns. It is absurd to claim that those responsible for the conference are affiliated with any political party based on the picture with Ismail Haniyeh. Photos have also been taken with Ismail Haniyeh and EU ministers, regional leaders, former US President Jimmy Carter and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire.

How do you view the Social Democrats’ decision to pause El-Haj from the Foreign Affairs Committee?

– Jamal has not committed any mistakes or any crime. He only attended the conference and it is his right to be able to do so.

Does not belong to Hamas

Do you sympathize with Hamas?

– I do not belong to the Hamas movement, any other political party or group. Israel’s claim that I am a member of Hamas is a failed attempt to silence my voice in defense of the Palestinian people.

Terror expert and political scientist Magnus Ranstorp says that over the years Rashid has appeared in various questionable contexts. He mentions a Hamas trial in the US and links to “al-Aqsa”, an international charity with alleged links to terrorist movements. Ranstorp also says Rashid was one of the organizers of Ship to Gaza, which itself has links to a Turkish charity called IHH. That organization has reportedly made anti-Semitic statements.

– His role is to collect money, that is what he is accused of by Israel. He also appears to be sending money to Syria and Gaza. It is not in itself a chain to Hamas, but he is considered a person who is important above all for the collection of money, says Ranstorp.

Ranstorp: Intelligence information from Israel

Is there anything that contradicts what he says, that money goes to aid and solidarity campaigns?

full screen Terror expert and political scientist Magnus Ranstorp. Photo: Sören Andersson/TT

– It is hard to say. This is based on intelligence from Israel. Both the PLO and Fatah did not want Palestinians to go to the conference because it creates division. There are only two major camps in Palestine in relation to political groupings, one of them is the PLO and Fatah, the other is Hamas.

What is your impression of the content of the conference?

– I have looked through the entire conference and nothing hugely controversial was said. There were many cultural elements, not a hate conference by any means.

What are you critical of?

– I am critical of Jamal El-Haj explaining his participation by saying that he is putting the party pin on the shelf and going there as a Palestinian. It is clear that he is a guest of honor at the conference, he was not there in any private role but sat closest to the organizer.

Footnote: Amin Abu Rashid says that further questions will be answered at a press conference in Malmö to be held next week.
