Here the car flies through the air – see the crazy pictures

The dramatic images from the highway in Georgia show how a car driver misses the tow truck standing in the middle of the road. Instead, the driver continues at full speed – and flies.

The almost improbable video has quickly gone viral. The incident took place on Highway 84 in US Georgia last week.

Blue light personnel were called to the scene after a traffic accident. But it didn’t take long before the rescue personnel on site had to change their focus to the other side of the road.

The body camera of one of the police officers on the scene captures the dramatic event on film.

Continuing at full speed

A car comes driving, and does not detect the tow truck that is positioned on the road. Instead, the driver continues at full speed up the tow truck’s ramp.

The car flies about ten meters into the air and spins several times before it crashes into another car driving on the road.

The woman who drove the car survived, but suffered serious injuries, US media reports.

Police in Georgia have released the video as a warning not to speed when driving past accident scenes.
