Strike at Disneyland Paris: the parade and the shows canceled?

Strike at Disneyland Paris the parade and the shows canceled

This Tuesday, May 30, 1,000 employees of the Disneyland Paris park were on strike to demand a salary increase. Several shows have been canceled as well as the parade, and a new mobilization is announced this Saturday, June 3. What does this mean for visitors?

The Disneyland Paris park is facing an unprecedented strike. This Tuesday, May 30, a thousand employees mobilized to demand a salary increase of 200 euros. A mobilization that led the cancellation of the parade as well as some shows. The management of the park had announced, on May 26, the payment of a bonus of 125 euros and the possibility of monetizing the days of rest, also specifying that salary increases of up to 9% had already taken place. Announcements that do not satisfy the unions, which call for a new day of strike this Saturday, June 3.

Which shows are canceled due to the strike?

“During the strike day of May 30, some shows have been cancelled, including the “Rêvons et le rêve s’illumine” parade as well as the Lion King show, tells us the communication department of the park. About 1,000 employees out of 17,000 were on strike, “the consequences were thus limited” And the attractions were able to operate normally. Today (this Wednesday, May 31, editor’s note), there was no impact, the shows have resumed and all the attractions are open“, specifies the park to us.

“Some shows have been canceled, including the “Let’s dream and the dream is illuminated” parade as well as the Lion King show”

What to expect for the June 3 strike in the Disneyland Paris park?

At this stage, we are not yet aware of the extent of the mobilization on Saturday June 3″. The park should not delay informing visitors of the terms and conditions for a possible postponement of the visit depending on what will be announced, “but at this stage, nothing is confirmed“. Consequently, if the strike is followed as much, or even more than that of May 30, visitors could again miss some shows as well as the parade. Attractions, on the other hand, should continue to operate as normal.

Can we request a refund if the parade is canceled or we cannot see all the shows?

Cancellations are generally indicated on the Disneyland Paris park application. However, “the parade is part of the overall offer of the day at Disneyland Paris, but that doesn’t mean the experience is totally degraded.” Indeed, due to weather problems, it may also happen that shows or parades cannot be organized in the park, without this justifying a request for reimbursement. Especially since other shows are offered and the attractions are in operation. However, if visitors wish to make a complaint, they can turn to the “City counter” which is a dedicated place for any complaint or dissatisfaction about the park.
