Nvidia introduces “ChatGPT for gaming” so you never have to spend time with boring characters again

Nvidia has introduced a new AI service with Nvidia ACE. Above all, this AI should support the game development and ensure that there are fewer boring characters.

Nvidia presented new technologies in the field of AI at Computex in Taiwan:

  • First, the new AI supercomputer platform called DGX GH200.
  • Secondly, a new service called “Nvidia ACE for Games” aimed at the video game industry.
  • Above all, the new service “ACE” has it all, because it should offer a lot of new possibilities for gaming.

    Nvidia ACE could fundamentally change gamers

    On May 28, at Computex in Taiwan, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang introduced the new service aimed at the video game industry called “Nvidia ACE for Games”.

    ACE is said to use AI to make background characters in games more natural and realistic. The AI ​​should not only take care of the background story, but also ensure that you always get the right answers from the character in the game (via tomshardware.com)

    How well does this work? Huang showed a game demo in which an NPC named Jin, who runs a ramen noodle shop, talks to a human player who asks him questions via voice. Answers came back that matched the background story of the NPC:

    In the demo, the player enters Jin’s ramen shop and asks him (via voice output) how he’s doing and talks to him about the area’s high crime rate.

    Kai asks if he can help and Jin replies that there is a criminal Kumon Aoki in town who needs attention because he is responsible for the violence. Kai asks where he can find Aoki and Jin tells him, prompting the user to search.

    Many developers see great potential for AI in games

    The CEO of the large MMO company Nexon already explained that modern artificial intelligence can improve the gaming experience. He meant how to use artificial intelligence to quickly give players in first-person shooters the perfect match.

    And other companies also see a lot of potential in such opportunities. Like the giant Microsoft. The company behind the Windows operating system is working on a new AI that will make raid bosses significantly more difficult in the future. Because the AI ​​learns from its mistakes and should then better orient itself to your abilities:

    Microsoft is working on new AI that will make raid bosses invincible in MMOs
