Latest news – SBB is considering a sale

  • SBB is considering a sale

    The board of real estate company SBB has decided to expand its review “of strategic alternatives” in order to maximize value for the company’s shareholders. This is what SBB writes in a press release.

    They also write that the board will consider alternatives such as the sale of the company, of individual business segments or of specific assets.

  • Latest news

  • 63 refugees rescued from the sea

    French authorities have rescued 63 people from the English Channel over the weekend, TT and AFP report.

    The people, who were on the run, were traveling in small home-made boats and were on their way to the British mainland when they ran into trouble after a boat lost its engine just outside Pas-de-Calais.

    Two rescue operations were carried out and 46 people were successfully brought ashore in the first attempt and 17 people in another boat which was sinking outside Oye-Plage further north.

  • New attacks on Kyiv

    For the second night in a row, there are reports of attacks on the capital Kiev.

    “Several explosions in the city. Don’t leave the shelters,” writes Vitaly Klitschko, leader of the military in Kiev Telegram.

    The anti-aircraft defense is activated, but falling debris is said to have caused several fires.

    An explosion also occurred in the Shevtchenskivskyi residential area.

    “There was smoke coming from an apartment, but it turned out not to be related to bombs and explosions. The reason was domestic – burnt food on the stove. That also happens,” writes Klitschko. (TT)

  • Syria: Israel attack on Damascus

    Israel has attacked targets in Damascus, the Syrian Ministry of Defense said in a statement. According to the statement, no one should have been injured.

    Just before midnight, explosions were heard in the vicinity of the capital, but the air defenses are said to have knocked out several incoming projectiles.

    Since the civil war broke out in Syria, Israel has regularly attacked targets in Syria, usually without commenting on them. In the latest airstrike, in early May, seven people were killed. (TT)

  • Fire in apartment building

    Just before one o’clock, the emergency services were called to Virserum after a neighbor saw a fire in an apartment building.

    – Thirteen fire engines are on site and the property should be empty, says the Emergency Service’s management operator.

    There is no forecast for when the extinguishing work will be finished.

  • Drained dust of millions of liters of water to find his phone

    An Indian civil servant has been suspended from work after draining a dam of several million liters of water in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh, reports the BBC.

    The man had dropped his mobile phone in the water after taking a selfie on Sunday. When divers failed to find the phone, he ordered the pond to be drained.

    He believed that the mobile phone contained sensitive information, but when it was found, the phone was so water damaged that it did not work.

    The drainage came to an abrupt end when another official from the Water Resources Department arrived at the scene.

    The deputy party leader of India’s opposition BJP criticized the man in a tweet.

    “He has emptied a dam that could have irrigated 607 hectares of land”

  • Automatic weapon found in car

    At around 8 p.m., the police saw three people running from a car in Brandbergen outside Stockholm.

    – When we searched the vehicle, we found a pistol and an automatic weapon, says Dan Andersson, who is on-call preliminary investigation leader.

    The police have not yet caught up with the people who are now suspected of serious weapons offences. Therefore, they are now investigating whether there are surveillance cameras in the area.

    The car and the weapons will also be sent for a technical examination.

  • Loud bang alarm in Hässleholm

    The police have been alerted to a loud bang in central Hässleholm.

    According to the police, it is a suspected detonation.

    Patrols are on their way to the area.

    Just a couple of hours ago, a residential building in Hässelholm was shelled

  • Tourist boat capsized – at least one dead

    One person has died after a tourist boat capsized on Lake Maggiore in northern Italy.

    During the day, a major rescue effort was carried out and 19 people were rescued from the water, TT reports.

    However, it is unclear how many people were on board the boat, as well as why the boat sank.

  • 42 dead after bloody fighting in India

    Refugees fleeing the unrest in Manipur earlier in May. Photo: Panna Ghosh/AP

    Fighting between police and rebels in Indian Manipur continues.

    40 rebels and two policemen are said to have been killed in the past 24 hours, according to the government.

    – The terrorists have used automatic carbines and sniper rifles against civilians. They appeared in several villages to set fire to houses, says state government chief N Biren Singh, according to TT.

    The recent unrest began after the state’s largest Meithei ethnic group demanded recognition under a law that entitles registered ethnic groups to a certain quota of government services and education places. The law aims to address structural inequality and discrimination, writes TT.

  • Suspected shooting at residence

    The police have received an alert from the public that shots were fired in Fredentorp in Hässleholm.

    When the police arrived at the scene, they found a suspected gunshot wound to a residence in the area.

    – We are working hard to collect information from the scene to understand what this is about, says Evelina Olsson at the police.

    She states that it is unclear if anyone was in the residence, but that there is no information on injured persons.

    The police are searching the area for suspected perpetrators.

  • Choice free after drama in Hunnebostrand

    The elections in Hunnebostrand. Photo: Johan Plahn

    A white whale became entangled in a fishing net in Hunnebostrand.

    A major rescue operation was launched when several units from the rescue service were sent to the scene.

    The whales finally managed to get out on their own.

    – It was stuck in a line, but now it is apparently playing in the harbor with ropes and ropes, says line operator Björn Van Der Kaay.

    Do you often go on whale alarms?

    – No, it rarely happens. I have to say that.

    read more here

  • Fire in apartment – one person found

    A fire has broken out in an apartment in Sollentuna.

    The flames shot out of the window, according to the emergency services.

    – We have started smoke diving, said the rescue service’s management operator Åsa Sköld at around 21.30.

    The emergency services have picked up a person in the apartment.

    – We have collected a person from the apartment who was alive. The extent of the damage is unclear, says Åsa Sköld.

  • Naked woman found murdered in French river

    A 23-year-old naked woman has been found dead in a river in Lanester in northwestern France.

    The body was discovered on Saturday morning and showed signs of strangulation and injuries to the upper body.

    A close relative of the young woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder, according to information BFMTV.

    It is still unclear if the woman died before she ended up in the water. The police are now awaiting the autopsy report and will hold interviews with the suspect.

  • Car and tractor in collision – five injured

    A passenger car and a tractor have collided outside Bromölla municipality at the height of Gonarp. Police, emergency services and an ambulance are on their way to the scene.

    According to the alarm, it is about a side impact and five people are supposed to be involved.

    At the moment, there is no information on the state of the damage.

    The road will be closed during the rescue work.

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  • Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • Do you know why the water in Venice’s main canal, the Grand Canal, has been dyed green?


    Hello! No, it’s actually unclear. In any case, the police in Venice have started an investigation into it.

  • Is Arlanda Express running again? It says they are going to replace approx. 1 km of rail, so does that mean no traffic will get to Arlanda?

    The Ericsson family

    Hello! Earlier this weekend, Arlanda express announced that it may take about a week before traffic is up and running again.

  • How did the little thin man who disappeared?


    Hi Bengt!

    The man was found the same day he disappeared.

    According to the police, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital for a check-up.

    Unfortunately, the police have not shared more information about how the man was when he was found.

  • Regarding the flag day when the king celebrates 50 years on the throne. It is very appropriate. But will it be an annual flag day or will it only happen in 2023?


    Hi Rolf!

    The government’s proposal is for a “temporary public flag day”. It therefore only applies to 2023.

  • What happens at Stockholm Central Station? Stuck on a train that is not allowed to go due to police action.


    Hey Henrik!

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration, there must be unauthorized persons moving on the track area at Stockholm C.

    Right now there is no forecast for when traffic can resume.

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