Really good sci-fi horror with 95 minutes of high suspense where people fight for survival under water

Really good sci fi horror with 95 minutes of high suspense

After her Twilight breakthrough, Kristen Stewart became one of the best actresses of her generation with later films such as Personal Shopper or Spencer. In between, she also got the desire for simpler genre excursions, in which she also shines.

The best proof of this is Underwater, which RTL will broadcast on Sunday at midnight as a German free TV premiere. Unfortunately, the 2020 sci-fi horror went down in cinemas, but you should addictive underwater survival game definitely give it a chance.

Sci-Fi insider tip sparks 95 minutes of pure genre entertainment

In the plot of the film directed by William Eubank, Stewart plays mechanical engineer Norah Price in 2050. When the deep-sea drilling and research station Kepler 822 with her on board is hit by an earthquake, a struggle for survival begins for the crew, which quickly reveals an even greater horror.

In Underwater hardly more than five minutes pass before all hell breaks loose and the scenario gradually changes from a realistically tangible disaster film into one horror nightmare transformed. In the no-frills survival thriller, Stewart proves that she can easily assert herself as a hard-hitting genre heroine.

At the latest, the Underwater finale is fully dedicated to Stewart’s character’s will to survive. The film also builds to an ecstatic climax on the home stretch with the help of a spectacularly unsettling revelation.

Unfortunately, far too few people were interested in the sci-fi pearl in the cinema at the time. With a budget of between $50 and $80 million, Underwater only grossed $40 million worldwide and flopped as a result. In addition to the TV broadcast, you can also watch the film Stream on Disney+ subscription. *

Sci-Fi Movies Podcast: 10 Streaming Tips on Netflix, Amazon & Disney+

If you are looking for even more sci-fi films to stream, in this issue we present 10 film tips that should inspire fans of Matrix, Inception, Dune & Co.

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It doesn’t matter whether it’s an insider tip, a classic or a personal favourite: With the various streaming services you can discover fantastic sci-fi films ranging from dystopia to alien invasions, time loops or alien planets.

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