The best simple trick to save every time at the supermarket

The best simple trick to save every time at the

Inflation significantly weighs on your shopping budget? Here is a simple and effective solution to save money during your checkout, slipped by a clever reader and customer…

Shopping has become a real headache. Inflation continues month after month and the figures are edifying: the consumer price index in the food sector has climbed by more than 10% in one year in France with a spectacular increase in certain everyday products such as pastes, oils or dairy products. What to fear the checkout and see the end of the month more than complicated…

Good news, there are some tricks to try to reduce the note! We are not talking here about subscribing to loyalty cards which allows you to grab a few euros or buying in bulk (not always so economical), two little habits that are now well known but a simple and effective practice introduced by a reader of the English site

“Before checking out, I take a look at what’s in my basket. I can usually take out two or three items that I don’t really need. That saves me around £10 (about 11 euros) on each shopping trip”, he slips. This practice also allows you to question your consumption. Do not hesitate to ask yourself these three questions: do I need this product? Is it possible to unearth cheaper substitutes in seconds? Did I give in to the temptation of gondola heads and attractive packaging? A simple trick to save effortlessly, without necessarily falling into frustration and deprivation… Be careful, however, these three products should be put back in their place on the shelves, if only out of respect for the store staff. .
