Alzheimer’s: wacky protocol, useless tests… The drift of pseudo-therapists

Alzheimers wacky protocol useless tests The drift of pseudo therapists

The End of Alzheimer’s, The first survivors of Alzheimer’s… The titles of Dr. Dale Bredesen’s books, the last of which has just been translated into French (Thierry Souccar Editions), are eloquent: this American neurologist claims to cure patients affected by this incurable pathology. According to him, all the mechanisms underlying the disease can be treated. It is enough to carry out a complete analysis of the biological parameters of the patient, and on this basis to propose a protocol of its design. Its main principles: nutrition, exercise, fight against stress, cognitive stimulation, detox, food supplements and hormone therapy. And it would work. As proof, the testimonies of seven “survivors” cited in his latest book.

Really ? Unfortunately not. “Dale Bredesen was a little-known researcher in neuroscience. He relied on his reputation to publish a first article on his theories, but his work poses problems”, regrets Professor Philippe Amouyel, director of the Alzheimer Foundation. The first of them, and not the least, is that he has never provided the slightest scientific demonstration of what he is saying. “Each element of his protocol makes sense, but none have been the subject of large-scale comparative trials to validate their safety and effectiveness on cognitive functions. And we know even less about the consequences of their combination. “, notes Professor Pierre Krolak-Salmon, neurologist and geriatrician, former medical director of the Institute for Aging of the Hospices Civils de Lyon, on availability since the end of 2022 with the Orpea group.

He patented his method and markets it

Mercantile excesses are not far away. Dr. Bredesen has patented his method, and he markets it at high prices – from 450 to more than 800 dollars, not including the cost of the tests. If his books only sell a few thousand copies in France, his ideas infuse and are regularly taken up in the “alternative” or women’s health press. “Some followers of ‘alternative’ medicine promote it and take advantage of it to sell food supplements, confirms Professor Amouyel. It has already happened that patients or families have contacted me to ask for my opinion on his commercial program. Recode offered in other European countries.”

Faced with a diagnosis that sounds like a condemnation, part of the population may seek to cling to any glimmer of hope. A fortiori if it is worn by an apparently respectable scientist (professor at the University of California, director of a research institute on aging, etc.). “This is nonetheless a pseudo-therapeutic drift, to date not clinically validated”, slice Professor Amouyel. For the general public, the distinction is all the more difficult as many studies show that it is possible to strengthen its “cognitive reserve”. Among the well-validated measures, physical activity, a Mediterranean diet, control of cardiovascular risk factors and intellectual stimulation, thanks to social relations and various activities (travel, DIY, etc.). “This can help to push back the age at which the symptoms of a possible Alzheimer’s disease will appear”, confirms Philippe Amouyel. Repel, but not “cure”.
