Sebino, completion of sale of the majority. Now the takeover bid

SEIF 2022 revenues down to 279 million euros

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Sebinoleading system integrator in fire prevention systems and listed on Euronext Growth Milan, announced that it completed the acquisition of a stake equal to 85.33% of the capital of the company by Sebino Holding, an investment vehicle wholly owned by Madone Holding, a vehicle in turn controlled by Seta Holding SA.

Sebino Holding will now promote a takeover bid (OPA) compulsory totalitarian on the remaining Sebino ordinary shares and on the conversion shares that may be issued to service the conversion of the Sebino SpA 2020-2023 Warrants.

The operation had been announced on April 4th. Seta Holding is an investment company born from the initiative of international entrepreneurs and investors with over 30 years of experience in the world of private equity. Seta Holding intends to support the current reference shareholder Nexus I, who will reinvest in the share capital of Sebino, as well as the CEO Gianluigi Mussinelli, who will remain at the helm of the company.
