Latest news – Collision with truck – car caught fire

  • Collision with truck – car caught fire

    A truck and a car have collided in Lessebo municipality.

    In connection with the collision, the passenger car caught fire.

    Police, emergency services and an ambulance have been called to the scene.

    At the moment, the extent of the damage is unclear.

  • Latest news

  • Tourist forgot luggage – major police action in Cannes

    A suspicious package was found near the Cannes Film Festival.

    A large police operation was launched, after which it was established that it was “luggage forgotten by a tourist”.

    The effort has now ended

  • A sunbathing woman was filmed – witnesses intervened

    A man in his 40s has filmed a sunbathing woman in her 25s in Vasaparken in Gothenburg.

    The man was then discovered and tried to flee the scene, but was stopped by witnesses who also took the man’s phone.

    A number of people are said to have been involved in the commotion that then arose, according to the police.

    A police patrol has gone to the scene to check the man. He is now suspected of sexual harassment.

    A report of minor assault after the fight has also been drawn up.

  • Red flood warning

    Due to snowmelt and rain, SMHI has now issued a red warning for high flows around the lower Torneälven.

    – Statistically speaking, flows like these occur less often than every 50 years, says Hugo Rudebeck, hydrologist on duty at SMHI.

    Roads in the area are at risk of flooding.

    – You have to remember that it’s a red warning, so it’s a serious situation. There is a lot of water at high speeds, and local floods can occur, says Hugo Rudebeck.

    Read more here.

  • Appealing closed investigation against Kjell Jansson
  • Woman was abused at school

    The police are alerted that a woman has been beaten behind a school in Malmö. When the police arrive at the scene, the woman is found lying on the ground.

    A man and a woman have been arrested, suspected of assault.

    – There has been some kind of fight and there are a lot of children and adults at the scene, says Patric Fors, press spokesperson at the police.

    The woman was taken to hospital by ambulance for a check-up and the police have conducted witness interviews on the spot.

    – But we are winding down now, says Patric Fors.

  • No crime connected to 20-year-old’s death in Torsby

    The police have concluded the preliminary investigation that was started into causing the death of another in connection with the death of a 20-year-old man in Torsby.

    The answers from the Swedish Medical Examiner’s Office showed that there is no reason to believe that a crime has been committed.

    It was in March earlier this year that five young people died in Värmland under “unclear circumstances”.

    The police can now also establish that all five died from narcotic drugs. The analyzes for the deaths of the other four people are not complete.

  • Åkesson is not going to Almedalen

    Jimmie Åkesson, SD. Photo: BJÖRN LINDAHL

    Sweden Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson will not go to Almedal Week this summer. He says that to the party’s news channel Riks.

    – I have been party leader for 18 years now and made ten speeches in Almedalen. This time, I feel that if there is ever a time when you can take the opportunity and let other parts of the family control the summer calendar, it is this time, he says.

    Instead, the party’s group leader Linda Lindberg will participate during the week in Gotland.

  • Stop in tram traffic

    There is a standstill in the tram traffic in Gothenburg, reports GP.

    The cause is an accident that happened between Lilla torget and Stenpiren.

    The accident will affect lines 1, 9, 6, 11 and 2, according to the newspaper.

    Public transport between Järntorget and Brunnsparken is diverted, according to Västtrafik.

  • Vattenfall is being investigated for price manipulation

    The Finnish energy authority suspects Vattenfall of having raised the market price for electricity, reports EPN.

    EPN writes that the company must have offered the market less electricity than the company had and thereby drove up the price.

    Vattenfall believes that these are unintentional mistakes.

    If the energy authority’s suspicions can prove their suspicions, Vattenfall risks billions in fines.

  • Men pretended to be Postnord – robbed home

    Two men have entered a home in Gothenburg by pretending to be from Postnord.

    In the home, they allegedly threatened a man in his 30s with a gun-like object. After that, they allegedly forced a phone.

    The police are in the area now and are looking for the perpetrators.

    So far, no one has been arrested.

  • Man arrested – suspected of murdering woman

    On Thursday, a woman in her 60s was found dead in a home in Åmål municipality.

    – When you get to the scene, she is found dead. Due to the circumstances at the scene, it cannot be ruled out that she was the victim of a crime, says Jens Andersson, press spokesperson for police region West.

    In connection with that, a man in his 60s was arrested on suspicion of murder. The man and the woman knew each other.

  • G7: More sanctions against Russia

    At their summit in Japan, the member countries of the G7 have agreed on additional sanctions against Russia, they write in a statement during the first day of the summit, writes TT.

    “We are imposing additional sanctions and taking steps to increase the costs to Russia and those who support its wars. We are also building on the successful measures to ensure that Russia can no longer use energy resources as a weapon against the world,” the statement said reports CNN.

  • Preliminary investigation against Kjell Jansson is closed

    Member of Parliament Kjell Jansson (M) has been investigated for buying sex.

    The preliminary investigation is now closed, the Public Prosecutor’s Office announces.

    – In an overall assessment of the evidence in the preliminary investigation, there is not enough support for the claim that it is a question of a sexual relationship for compensation, says chief prosecutor Maria Sterup at the Special Prosecutor’s Chamber.

  • Problems with Icabanken

    Icabanken has problems today. Photo: Icabanken Facebook

    Icabanken has problems with deposits today.

    “Which affects the fact that pension payments and child support have not entered the account. We are working hard to resolve this,” writes Icabanken on Facebook.

    Update: Icabanken now announces that the error should be resolved and that the money should be on its way to the customers.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • What happened to the elderly man who refused to move his car after having his tires punctured by mats of nails last winter?


    Hi Anna!

    The last I read about him was in The Wermlands newspaper in November.

    Then he would buy a new car after living in the old one for two weeks. He then said that he intended to lift the broken car into the air and leave it at the scene.

    He also told us at Aftonbladet that he would register the old car at the National Police Board.

  • If you throw fags everywhere they will rot and if so how long will it take to empty them please


    Hello! According to the organization Keep Sweden Clean, it takes approximately 1-5 years for a discarded cigarette butt to decompose into microplastic.

    “Microplastic can take 100 years before it disappears, if it even does,” they also write.

  • Why is only one of the spy brothers named and pictured?


    Hello! Both are named in the article. Why we only have one picture of Payam Kia is because the article is about him.

  • What has happened to Aftonbladet directly? Previously, you ended up directly on the news you clicked on, but now you always end up at the top and have to scroll down through the feed to get to the article you are interested in reading. Wish that feature came back.


    Hello! Some readers seem to have had issues with it over the past few days so we’ll check it out! If you haven’t updated the app, you can test with that as well (if you read via the app, that is).

  • Hello, May 17th today. Does it show on the editorial staff’s lunch boxes?


    It’s not lunch yet, but haven’t heard anything about the May 17 special in the lunchbox yet. Norwegians eat an average of four sausages per person on May 17, according to a press release from SAS . So if you want to pay tribute to Norway, a sausage with bread can be a suitable way!

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