Incineration (or cremation) is a funerary technique consisting in burning the body of a deceased in order to reduce it to ashes. They are then stored in an urn. How is a cremation carried out? Where can the ashes be put?
Incineration refers to the act of burn the body of a deceased person in his coffin after which the ashes are collected and delivered to the family in a urn. What difference with cremation? How does it go cremation?
Definition: what is incineration?
cremation consists to burn the body of the deceased in a coffin then to collect the ashes to put them in an urn. It takes place in a crematorium, within 6 days of death (with some exceptions). “In reality, the purpose is the same as during the burial since when the body is placed in a cemetery, the body is also there reduced to ashes after a few years. Incineration is therefore faster than burial in a cemetery“, nuance Romain Pahindriot of Maison Cridel (Funeral Director).
What is the difference with cremation?
It’s the same thing. “Normally the term “cremation” is chosen for human bodies and incineration relates more to waste“, underlines the specialist.
There are two possibilities: cremation in the presence of the family or without the presence of the family.
The coffin of the deceased is placed in a oven heated to 800 degrees. The heat will cause the combustion of the coffin and then of the body (there are no flames). Once this step is completed, the ashes must be allowed to cool. “There are two possibilities: the cremation in the presence of the family or without the presence of the family. In the first case, a farewell ceremony, religious or not, is planned at the crematorium on the day of the cremation, so a time and a date are fixed. Once this meditation is over, family and friends can leave and the body is then cremated. In the second scenario, the cremations take place in the evening. The bodies are deposited at the crematorium in the evening so that the ballot boxes can be returned the next day.“, explains Romain Pahindriot. The ashes are collected in a cinerary urn fitted with a plaque indicating the identity of the deceased and the name of the crematorium.
What is the incineration time of the human body?
The incineration time is on average 1h30 to 2h. The family will gather at the crematorium, they will leave and the urn will be given to them a few hours later, the next day or by appointment.
Do bones burn during cremation?
The tissues are completely burned, it is therefore the bones that will be reduced to ashes. A sprayer is used to reduce the calcareous parts of bones that do not burn to ashes.
How much does cremation cost?
“There are variables depending on the crematoria since there is a cremation tax of around 500 euros and who can show up to 1000 euros. Then there is the whole funeral organization part with the costs for the staff, the organization, the reception, etc. The overall cost is between 2500 and 3500 euro“, concludes the specialist.
What can be done with the ashes after cremation?
The urn containing the ashes can be kept in the crematorium for 1 year at most. At the end of this period, if the relatives of the deceased have not taken a decision, the ashes are scattered in the dedicated space of the cemetery of the municipality of the place of death or in the nearest cinerary site. Relatives can transport the urn containing the ashes to the cemetery or cinerary site, scatter the ashes in nature or bury the urn on private property.
► Within a graveyardthe urn containing the ashes may be buried in a grave, deposited in a colombarium or sealed on a funerary monument. The ashes can also be scattered in a dedicated space called “remembrance garden“.
► It is authorized to scatter the ashes in nature. A declaration must be made to the town hall of the place of birth of the deceased. A register indicates his identity, the date and the place of dispersion of the ashes. The ashes must not spread on public roads or in a public place (stadium, square, etc.) They can be scattered in the open sea (but not in watercourses unless authorized by the municipality concerned). They can also be dispersed in a forest with the prior authorization of the owner.
► The urn can be placed in a grave located on private property but it is forbidden to keep the ashes in a dwelling or disperse them on private property.
Thanks to Romain Pahindriot from Maison Cridel.