Making your child miss school to go on vacation or an extended weekend: do you know what you risk?

Making your child miss school to go on vacation or

In England, parents have been fined by the town hall for taking leave with their children outside school holidays. In France, can you make your child miss a few days of school to benefit from preferential rates or to extend the stay a little? Here’s what you need to know.

In Englanda British family received from the town hall of the town of Redcar, where they live, a fine of 480 pounds, or about 550 euros, for going on vacation with their children outside the school vacation period, in the middle of September. It is true that missing a few days of class is tempting for parents who would like to benefit from cheaper train or plane tickets, or take advantage of a few extra days off with the family. But is it really allowed in France? What do parents risk? who make their child miss school and what are the absences authorized by the school? We take stock.

When can my child miss school?

French law is formal. He is prohibits making a child between the ages of 3 and 16 miss school except for “legitimate reasons” set by the Education Code. Although admissible, each of these reasons must nevertheless be substantiated.

  • Child’s illness;
  • Communicable or contagious disease of a family member;
  • Solemn family reunion (wedding, funeral);
  • Impediment caused by an accident during transportation;
  • Temporary absence of responsible persons when the children follow them.

Can my child miss the day of the start of the school year?

In principle, a child cannot miss the day of the start of the school year without a valid reason. And for good reason, in France, going to school is a legal obligation and repeated absence is a violation of the law.

What do parents risk if their child misses school days?

In France, any unjustified absence from school can lead to sanctions.It is not possible to envisage ‘à la carte’ vacations, which would disrupt the functioning of the class and harm schooling”, specifies the Ministry of National Education on its website. If the parents deviate from it, they expose themselves to penals sanctions accompanied by fines, ranging from 135 to 30,000 euros in the most extreme cases, and up to two years in prison.

If the child is absent for more than four unjustified half-days in the month, parents can be summoned by the headteacher. The latter can decide, if there are new absences, to refer to the DASEN (academic directors of the national education services) who will summon the parents and issue a formal notice.

If the absences continue, the academic director may seize the public prosecutor who will impose a fine. The child, on the other hand, risks nothing.

Finally, be aware that it is not only the school principal who can be the source of a report for repeated absences: IOrganizations or services in debt of family benefits may, when they become aware of notorious breaches of compulsory schooling, cause an investigation by the academic administratione”, specifies thearticle R131-10 of the Education Code.

What are the steps to justify the absence of your child from school?

According to the law, each absence must be reported to the school administrationwhich reserves the right to judge its credibility. “In the event of a foreseeable absence, the persons responsible for the child shall inform the principal or the head of the establishment beforehand and specify the reason. If there is serious doubt as to the legitimacy of the reason, the school director or the head of the establishment invites those responsible for the child to submit a leave of absence request that he transmits to the academic director of the national education services acting on delegation of the rector of the academy”, indicates thearticle R131-5 of the Education Code.

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