Protests against Swedish forest policy at the EU summit in Skellefteå

– Despite the fact that the Swedish politicians want to emphasize how talented we are, forestry here is going in the wrong direction, says Maria Karlsson, Nature Conservation Association, to SVT Västerbotten.

On the theme “To the forest”

The protests were held on the theme “At the forest” in Sara Culture House and on the square in Skellefteå. In addition to the photo exhibition, film screening and peaceful demonstrations, an alternative bus tour to the nearby clearing was offered.

In addition to the Nature Conservation Society, the Forest Network Mycel, Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion and Amnesty Sápmi participated, which erected a horn in the square.

“Must be respected”

– For the Sami, old-growth forests with hanging lichens are extremely important for the reindeer’s winter grazing. We work to ensure that the Sami’s rights are respected, writes Maria Eklund, Amnesty Sápmi, in an email to SVT Sápmi.

– The Sami’s indigenous rights must be respected when planning the felling of forest in Sápmi, she continues.

The forest directors’ visit is part of Sweden’s EU presidency. They are in Skellefteå for three days, and various forest-related issues are on the agenda.
