Salone del Risparmio, over 6,000 visitors on the first day

Salone del Risparmio over 6000 visitors on the first day

(Finance) – The inaugural day of the 13th edition of Savings Hall closed with over 6,000 people who participated in the scheduled conferences, to which are added the over 2,700 connected in streaming on the digital platform. This was communicated by Assogestioni at the end of the first of the three days of the event in the South Wing of Allianz MiCo, in Milan.

The Salone del Risparmio welcomes operators, professionals, institutions and – on the last day – also private investors, young graduates and undergraduates, students and citizens.

“A turnout never so numerous for the first day of the Salone, which portends a record-breaking 2023 edition“, it is emphasized.
