The psychologist: This is how you get rid of the scrolling addiction

Are you a person who easily gets stuck in the senseless scrolling on your mobile when you really need to do something else – then you are not alone. According to Siri Helle, licensed psychologist, it is a common phenomenon. – It is very common to get stuck in passive scrolling on the mobile phone, especially if you feel bored or have other troublesome feelings, she says. A good first step to get away from passive scrolling is to go through the flow on your social media platforms. Unfollow accounts that make you feel down, and instead follow those that inspire and cheer you up, says Siri Helle. A second step is to plan activities during the time you are most likely to be stuck in front of the screen. – You can, for example, book a training session or meet a friend because it will take time away from that lazy scrolling. We are goods for the apps Important to remember with the addictive apps is that we are goods and not consumers, says Siri Helle. – These platforms run on advertising revenue – the more time we spend there, the better. They are designed so that we will have a hard time putting them down. – Therefore, it can be good, if you need to focus on something in particular, to put the mobile out of reach so that you are not tempted to be distracted. But with that said, it can be nice to disconnect from reality sometimes to sit and “stupidly scroll” a bit, she thinks. – A little is not a danger, but you have to be careful so that it does not exceed other things you need. Jealousy plays a role In today’s DN, Siri Helle tells us that people who have a tendency to get jealous more easily get stuck in the passive scrolling behavior. – It has been seen that personality plays a big role, and unfortunately it seems to affect those who are most likely to feel jealous and who hang out a lot on social media because it feels important to keep track of what others are doing, she says.
