That’s what happened to the parents in Min mamma, din papa

A bunch of single parents were looking for love My mother, your father and we could see that several of them took a liking to each other.
But what really happened after the recordings of the show?

The love program My mother, your father has reached its end. In the show, we followed single parents in search of love – while their children secretly watched over them – and we were able to see how several of the parents found each other.

Some left the house in love, others not – but how does it stand today?

Pia Hjälmkrona and Lennart Kingsson

Pia Hjälmkrona and Lennart Kingsson saw each other quite immediately when they met in the love villa. But even though they had a romance in the show, Pia and Lennart are not a couple today.

– I went down to see him and he came here, but we discovered that we live different lives. He works shifts, I work shifts. Now I can’t answer for him, but I felt that there was no possibility of making it work, says Pia to TV4.

But despite the fact that there was no love relationship between them, they are today good friends.

– He is a fantastic person, we are very good friends today, emphasizes Pia.

Sigrid Åhs and Emil Berger

Some who, however, are still connected today are Sigrid Åhs and Emil Berger.

– We became a couple in the house and it has lasted since then. It’s like a love story, I would say, exactly everything I wanted. We have spent a lot of time together, both alone and with the children, says Sigrid to TV4.

– Everything feels so good in what you can call our new family constellation. The children already feel like siblings and get along so well together.

Stepping out of the villa as a couple felt natural.

– It was like a different kind of bubble when we came out because we had to be discreet. We were at Liseberg with our children during Halloween, but otherwise we haven’t been able to be so public, says Sigrid and at the same time points out that they met each other’s families.

And the plan for the future together looks bright. The first step is to spend the summer and holidays together – and eventually the plan is to move in together.

– We have both lived in the present and planned for the future. It feels great, everything that I didn’t explore was what I should have, says Sigrid and continues:

– The plan is that Emil and Jonte, or at least Emil, will move down to Malmö and that we will buy something together here. He thinks it feels okay to move to Malmö, but when exactly in time I can’t answer right now. He has a house and I have a house, we hurry slowly but both want to go in the same direction. We set milestones to reach the final goal.

Jesper Andersson and Annina Hohenthal

At the end of the last episode, we could see that the children forced Jesper Andersson and Annina Hohenthal to change phone numbers – and it was lucky, because today Jesper and Annina are in daily contact. But just as it appeared in the program, they also want to hurry slowly. They try to see each other when they can and will go out and sail together sometime soon.

When TV4 reaches them, it is clear that they like each other and that they have a mutual view of their relationship.

– I think she is all right! But we shouldn’t stress anything. As we said in the house, why stress? says Jesper.

– There is something there, it remains. We want to explore what this is, where we stand. We make that effort, I know that. I feel that Jesper somehow still likes me and wants to get to know me more, says Annina.

What the future holds remains to be seen.

– Everything has to take its time somewhere. In the best of worlds, I want to live with someone, I like twoness. What stands against us, I think, is the distance. But we both have professions that allow us to meet even on weekdays. I can work remotely, then the distance won’t be as far, says Jesper.

Jessica Grusell and Stefan Brodin

Jessica Grusell and Stefan Brodin chose to leave the love villa earlier than everyone else, after they fell in love with each other. But what happened after they left the show? Jessica and Stefan tell TV4 via email that there is no longer anything between them.

“We both realized pretty soon after dating a bit in real life that we live different lives and also had a bigger distance between us. We parted as friends, and have both moved on.”

Jussi Ora

Jussi Ora did not find love in the house, but he did after the program, he tells TV4.

– After the program I met a girl who I was with for a couple of months, but it ended a month ago. Now I’m single again, when I leave a relationship it’s tough for me. I am not only losing a girlfriend but a friend, says Jussi.

And he has not given up hope of finding love, on the contrary.

– I am very much looking forward to the summer and seeing if a warm, wonderful, joyful woman who is confident in herself would dance into my life, I would think it would be absolutely magical. Summer is a time for love! Then I have to do my part to make it happen, but that’s what I long for.

After Min mamma, din papa, Jussi has contact with some from the house, he chats a bit with the boys, but one he meets regularly is one of the children from the program.

– The person I meet most from the program is Saga, says Jussi.

It was another person who found love in the program, Jussi’s son Max is together with Mathilda Segerstad’s daughter Saga.

– That thing alone means that I can redo this as many times as I want. Think I’m in something where my son meets someone! Saga is absolutely fantastic, it’s absolutely wonderful! They are so happy.

Tanja Madsen

Tanja Madsen didn’t find love inside the villa either, and even she still dreams of meeting someone.

– You can say I’m open to dating, I’m starting small because I still think I want to meet someone. That feeling has not gone away, she tells TV4.

– Especially now that I’ve seen the program and seen how both I and the others behaved, you always learn something. Especially when it’s something completely new, and it certainly was in this situation. I wanted to date everyone so you didn’t miss anyone, and I did, she says further.

She says that she was met with a lot of love after the program, from both friends, family, acquaintances and strangers.

– At first it was fun to progress step by step in the process, but then when I joined and it was time, I felt that I don’t know if I dare… In retrospect, I am happy and proud that I dared. It’s very brave, especially when you haven’t done anything like this before.
