10 enemies that could make Diablo 4 really difficult

The Diablo series relies on recognition in many aspects, including when it comes to opponents. Many come up again and again. MeinMMO has dug a bit into the past and picked out 10 enemy types that have brought back the worst memories of the past 26 years and that you definitely don’t want to see in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 takes the best features of its predecessors and combines them with its own ideas into a new game. So that the game also feels like a real Diablo, the developers rely on well-known features in many places.

For example, some opponents appear in the latest part that were previously in the games. Already in Act 1, which was playable in the beta, the goat-like Khazra can be seen and one of the franchise’s worst bosses randomly roams dungeons.

This is also logical, because the world of Sanctuary is always the same. Accordingly, the residents do not always have to change. But there are a few opponents that Blizzard doesn’t necessarily have to take on.

On Reddit, fans talked about their horror opponents and we thought about which opponents caused really bad moments in the past. We still don’t know if most of them will appear in Diablo 4.

Disclaimer: MeinMMO is not liable for possible flashbacks that do not let you sleep or for complaints about too loud “PLEASE DON’T!” shouts.

After the first hours in the game, Diablo 4 can convince many fans. us too. You can see the conclusion of the MeinMMO editors in the video, in our hub you will find all information about Diablo 4:

Diablo 4 Beta: Performance and fun are good, but important questions remain unanswered – the conclusion of the MeinMMO editors

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Undead Stygian Dolls (Diablo 2)

What looks like the skeleton of the rather harmless little fetishes is one of the worst opponents in Diablo 2. Stygian Dolls often appear in droves, are incredibly fast, deal high physical damage, and explode upon death. The undead are to blame for the death of several characters and are the sworn archenemy of many players.

The puppets are also representative of all enemies with death effects. These are among the most troublesome enemies in the entire franchise, especially for hardcore characters.

Sand Wasps (Diablo 3)

The actually harmless wasps shoot with … other wasps, sometimes from outside the screen, and also flee quickly. The damage is enormous and is particularly difficult for melee fighters. There used to be a bug where projectiles were invisible when coming from off screen. The bad news: it looks like the wasps made it in Diablo 4 already. Some players spotted her in Act 1.

Lacuni Huntresses (Diablo 3)

Lacuni are annoying enemies in and of themselves. The feline creatures pack a punch, but they’re among the average enemies in Diablo 3. What makes the clan’s slayers so dangerous is their ability to instantly jump on the player. So if you are surrounded by their bulkier colleagues, a jump attack by the slayers can quickly end fatally.

Ghosts of All Kinds (multiple parts)

Specters and ghosts have been present in some form in every Diablo game so far. The most dreaded include Wraiths from Diablo 3 and Specters and Gloams from Diablo 2. These creatures can move through walls and unerringly suck mana or a lot of life points from the player. The bad thing: especially in Diablo 3, they like to attack from unreachable places, which can affect melee fighters in particular.

Oblivion Knights (Diablo 2)

The heavily armored foes don’t pose much of a threat on their own, but they do come in a form that can cast spells, including the dreaded Iron Maiden. This throws physical damage back at attackers multiple times, which means instant death for many classes.

You are better prepared for every possible opponent with the new special issue for Diablo 4:

Harbingers of Pestilence (Diablo 3)

Possibly the only enemies more dangerous to ranged than melee: Harbingers of Pestilence can infest a small area from a distance with their long arms, dealing high damage. Alone they are not too dangerous, but in groups they make large areas a deadly trap.

Unicorns and Teddy Bears (Diablo 3)

Actually not deadly opponents, but still the nightmare of many players. Diablo 3’s secret pony level featured rainbows, unicorns, and teddy bears. This was intended as a joke, but since Diablo 3 was already “too colorful” for many fans of the series, the idea did not go down well with some.

Fortunately, Diablo 4 is going to be much darker anyway and more like the first part in terms of looks. Here is some gameplay:

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Hammer Lords (Diablo 3)

Much like Harbingers of Pestilence, Hammerlords are not particularly dangerous on their own. The monstrous opponents can oneshot you, but they are so slow that it’s not really a problem. What makes them difficult is their size. Hammerlords are approximately 5 times the size of your character and are among the largest enemies in the game. If 3-4 of these monsters surround you, they can easily lock you up and crush you.

Succubi (multiple parts)

Like ghosts, succubi are among the most iconic enemies in the series. Where they were annoying but not too deadly in earlier parts, in Diablo 3 they are one of the greatest dangers. The sensual demons fire deadly bullets that are easy to miss, especially in the melee, and quickly change position. If you’re not careful, you’ll quickly fall victim to their attacks. And that succubi appear in Diablo 4 is extremely likely with a view to Lilith.

By the way, you’ve probably all heard The Mother of Demons before – on TV!

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Lunatic of the Fallen (Diablo 3)

The Fallen are red demons that often appear in hordes. Their bombers have glowing bellies filled with explosive liquid and will race toward you, only to explode if you don’t kill them fast enough. They can’t take much, but if they get to you, you’re almost certainly dead – at least on higher difficulties.

Bonus: The controls on Nintendo Switch

Not a real enemy, but still the absolute boss for many fans: since Diablo has also been playable on the Nintendo Switch, a number of players have complained about the control with joycons. Even spiny rats become a deadly experience from time to time.

We want to know from you: Which opponent do you think is the worst?

We intentionally didn’t include bosses in this list because you don’t encounter them as often as normal enemies. And a boss death is usually less frustrating than a Wasp, too…

For most of the enemies, we don’t yet know exactly which ones will actually appear. However, we already know some features that you could not see in the tests:

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