Champions League: the semi-finals, let’s go!

Real City final before the hour hot derby in Milan

Contents of Radio football internationale, this Tuesday at 4:10 p.m. UT – 6:10 p.m. (Paris): Champions League: the semi-finals, let’s go! Real Madrid crowned with a new King’s Cup faces Manchester City at the Bernabéu stadium! Presentation of the shock to go which is similar to a final before the letter!

– Bundesliga: Dortmund in the wheel of Bayern Munich! State of play of a breathless duel 3 short days from the end!

– Kombouaré and Nantes. End clap! Four days from the end, the relegated position of the Canaries will have been fatal to the former player of the club! Injustice?

To discuss it with Annie Gasnier, our consultants of the day: David Lortholary, Dominique Sévérac and Salim Baungally – David Fintzel – Technique/Direction: Laurent Salerno.
