14-year-old shooting suspect has escaped from Sis home

In January about ten shots were fired at an apartment in Fruängen.
Two 14-year-old boys were suspected of involvement and placed in a youth home.
Now one of the boys has escaped, they say
The Express.

By climbing over a fence, the 14-year-old boy managed to escape from the Nereby youth home outside Gothenburg where he was placed at LVU.

– It is very serious. The system of youth homes that we have obviously does not cover the young serious criminals. At the homes, they can continue to communicate with criminals on the outside and also escape and continue to commit crimes, says prosecutor Lisa dos Santos to Expressen.

On Thursday, the boy was to participate in a so-called evidentiary hearing in court where Lisa dos Santos planned to press charges.

Details: Automatic weapons

The shooting in question took place in Fruängen in southern Stockholm on January 20 this year.

– We received a call about bangs that were perceived to be from firearms at an apartment building. When we arrived at the scene, it could be established that there were gunshot wounds in an apartment door, police spokesperson Per Fahlström said at the time.

Several people are said to have been in the apartment, but no one was physically injured. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, an automatic weapon was used.

Strömmer: “A mockery of the crime victim”

According to TT, the escape has been confirmed by the State Board of Institutions (Sis).

Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) can state that this is the third escape in a short time.

– It is extremely serious, a mockery of the crime victim and a provocation against the citizens, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) to TT.
