Latest news – 14-year-old boy was involved in shooting

  • 14-year-old boy involved in shooting – escaped before trial

    A 14-year-old boy was involved in a shooting in Fruängen. The trial was supposed to be on Thursday, but now the boy has escaped from the LVU home where he was placed by climbing over a fence, it says The Express.

    – I can confirm that there was a deviation from Nereby on Monday where we requested a helping hand from the police, says Stefan Hell Fröding, press secretary at the State Board of Institutions, to Expressen.

  • Latest news

  • Preliminary investigation into police shooting is closed

    Chief prosecutor Martin Tidén at the Special Prosecutor’s Chamber closes the preliminary investigation into a police shooting in Vimmerby in December 2022, the Public Prosecutor’s Office announces.

    The incident in Vimmerby led to the death of a man after a police officer fired his service weapon during an operation.

    Here you can read more.

  • Big fire in barns – spreading in the terrain

    A large fire has broken out in a barn outside Strömsnäs mill in Markaryd municipality and is spreading.

    – It is a fairly large fire that started in a barn and spread to another barn and a residential building. The last report we have from the rescue service is that it has also spread out into the terrain now, says Katarina Rusin, spokesperson for the police region south.

    According to the police, one person may have minor smoke damage, but it is still uncertain whether the person needs to be taken to hospital.

  • Two are charged with acts of violence in Saltskog

    Two people are charged with aiding and abetting murder and aiding and abetting attempted murder in Södertälje in October.

  • Putin speaks in Red Square

    Putin gave a speech on Victory Day. Photo: AP TT NEWS AGENCY

    Now Putin is speaking on Red Square.

    He began by congratulating sailors, soldiers, majors and generals for Russia’s “special military operation,” reports Sky news.

    Putin says Russia is defending itself against “international terrorism”.

    He says the Western elite and globalists insist on provoking Russia.

    – We have a war going on against us.

    He goes on to say that Western elites are destroying family values, and what makes a person human.

    Read more here.

  • Russian victory parade begins

    Vladimir Putin has arrived at Red Square, where the parade to celebrate Victory Day has now begun.

    Soldiers march, waving red flags.

    Putin will give a speech after the parade ends.

    But it’s a low-key celebration this year. Read more about it here.

    Watch our broadcast with presenter Olivia Berntsson here in Aftonbladet directly.

  • Fire at hotel

    There is a fire at Sandhamn’s sailing hotel, reports P4 Stockholm.

    The guests have been evacuated.

    The Swedish Maritime Administration supports with resources and transports firefighters from Visby and Norrtälje in helicopters.

    Just before nine o’clock, SOS Alarm says that the fire is now out.

    There is currently no information on injuries.

    Ambulance and emergency services are on site.

  • Ursula von der Leyen is in Kyiv

    While Russia lights its “Victory Day”, which marks the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945, the EU celebrates “Europe Day” instead.

    It marks the Schuman Declaration, which was a proposal for what later became the European Union.

    Ursula on der Leyen honors the day by visiting Kiev.

    “Wonderful to be back in Kiev, where the values ​​we hold dear are defended every day,” she writes on her Twitter.

  • 12 dead after attack on Gaza

    Twelve people have been killed after Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.

    Local media reports that a leader of the Palestinian armed group Islamic Jihad one of the targets.

    According to Al Jazeera, three of the twelve dead are commanders of the armed group, but the other nine are civilians, mostly families of commanders.

    In addition, 20 civilians have been injured.

  • One arrested for shooting

    Photo: Aftonbladet

    One person has been arrested after the fatal shooting in Jakobsberg northwest of Stockholm.

    It was around 6.40pm on Monday that the police were alerted to the shooting. According to Aftonbladet’s information, several masked people must have left on electric scooters.

    An injured man in his 20s was found at the scene. The man later died from his injuries.

  • 25 Russian missiles fired at Ukraine

    Russia has sent 25 missiles at Ukraine during the night, of which 23 were shot down, according to The Guardian.

    Today, Russia celebrates Victory Day, one of its most solemn holidays, marking the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

  • The train stopped after an accident

    The train service between Gothenburg and Stockholm is stopped due to an accident at the height of Lerum, reports P4 Gothenburg.

    Traffic is expected to resume at 8 a.m., according to the Swedish Transport Administration.

  • Twitter purges inactive accounts

    Before long, a number of inactive accounts may disappear from Twitter.

    That’s what the owner Elon Musk writes in a post, TT reports.

    “We purge accounts that haven’t had any activity for several years, so you’ll probably see your follower count drop.”

    Since Tesla CEO Elon Musk took over the Twitter helm in 2022, the scandals have followed one another. Among other things, shortly after the takeover, Musk chose to radically cut down on the workforce.

    Recently, there has been a storm around the blue ticks that so-called “verified accounts” have had. Recently the ticks were removed and only those who paid for them can keep them, but there are exceptions – some high-profile tweeters have been allowed to keep their blue tick without paying.

  • New robot attack over Kyiv

    The air raid alert has gone off in the Ukrainian capital Kiev during the morning.

    “The air defense is working on the outskirts of Kiev,” writes the city’s military leadership on Telegram.

    According to the military leadership, several robots have been shot down and this must have caused at least one fire, reports TT.

    On the night of Monday, at least five people were injured after Russian drones towards Kiev were shot down.

  • China in diplomatic spat with Canada

    China says Canada has sabotaged the countries’ relationship after a Chinese diplomat was expelled on Monday.

    The Chinese diplomat is singled out in an intelligence report for having tried to harass a Canadian member of parliament.

    “The Chinese side will take resolute countermeasures and any consequences arising from this will be borne by the Canadian side,” said a statement from the Chinese embassy in Canada. (TT)

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  • Ask us

    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • Danny Saucedo isn’t making his acting debut now is he? Wasn’t he in Evil?


    Entirely correct! He was an extra in the fight scene in Ondskan.

    However, he himself says that “Scenes from a Marriage” is his acting debut. Maybe he himself makes a difference between extras and acting?

    Regardless – well done Ninna!

  • Which party in Sweden is the 9th largest?



    The largest party outside the Riksdag, i.e. the ninth largest party, is the Nyans party. They received 28,352 votes, which is equivalent to 0.44 percent of the turnout in the 2022 election.

    In the 2018 and 2014 elections, the Feminist initiative was the largest, but they have retreated significantly and were in this election at 0.05 percent.

  • Shouldn’t journalists be able to tell the difference between them and them?


    Hi Ante! You may think so, of course, but we are not flawless and can make mistakes. We correct them when they are brought to our attention by our colleagues or our keen readers!

  • Why is the headline “Russia: Residents forcibly evacuated from Zaporizhzhya” !? Zaporizhzhya and Europe’s largest nuclear power plant is in Ukraine NOT Russia. Despite occupation and annexation, as far as I know, almost no one except Russia itself recognizes the region as Russian.


    Hi Stefan! In this case, “Russia” should be read as the Russian side in the war, who are the ones who decided on the forced evacuation. It does not imply recognition of the areas as Russian.

  • Leif: The answer to your question is that the program is not broadcast live, and that an editor inserted the images when the program was cut together.

    It is not more difficult than that.

    Crisis meeting

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