War in Ukraine: for Putin, the world “is at a turning point”

War in Ukraine for Putin the world is at a

Russia on Tuesday (May 9) kicked off a parade of thousands of soldiers under the eyes of President Vladimir Putin to commemorate the victory over Nazi Germany, celebrations marked this year by the setbacks of the offensive in Ukraine.

European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen arrived in kyiv on Tuesday to celebrate Europe Day and show her support for Ukraine in the face of the Russian offensive. “My presence in Kyiv today, May 9, is symbolic, but it is also a sign of a crucial and very practical reality: the European Union is working hand in hand with Ukraine on many issues” , she said.

Russia celebrates victory over Nazi Germany

Russia celebrates this Tuesday, May 9 its victory over Nazi Germany. This annual commemoration, usually with great fanfare, will take place this year under high security. The Russian authorities have canceled several parades in the border regions of Ukraine and in annexed Crimea. They advance a “terrorist risk”. “When you are dealing with a state sponsor of terrorism, it is better to take preventive measures”, justified Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for the Kremlin, in reference to Kiev.

“Civilization is again at a turning point. A war has been launched against our homeland”, launched the Russian president in front of thousands of soldiers and the Russian political elite gathered to commemorate the Nazi defeat in 1945, celebrations which take place this year in the shadow of Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine.

Von der Leyen in Kyiv

Ursula Von der Leyen took an overnight train from Poland to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. They will work together on Ukraine’s application for membership of the European Union. The day before, Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree for Europe Day to be celebrated in his country, as in Brussels. He has thus renounced any commemoration of the victory over Nazi Germany, breaking with the Russian tradition, which organizes a large military parade on Red Square on this day.

“I warmly welcome President Zelensky’s decision to make May 9 Europe Day. Ukraine is part of our European family,” said Ursula Von der Leyen. Europe Day is celebrated in all the Member States to pay tribute to the “Schuman Declaration” on 9 May 1950, considered the birth certificate of the European Union.

French deputies vote on the inclusion of the Wagner group on the list of terrorist organizations

Is the Russian paramilitary group Wagner a “terrorist”? French deputies are voting on the issue on May 9, while Wagner is accused of abuses in Ukraine and Africa. The motion for a resolution carried by Renaissance MP Benjamin Haddad is not binding. It targets in particular the “numerous abuses against the civilian population” in Ukraine, some of which could be qualified as “war crimes”.

The text will be debated in the afternoon. It was co-signed by deputies from the various majority groups, but also by elected officials from the socialist, environmentalist and LR ranks, presaging a favorable vote in the hemicycle. “It is a question of sending a political, symbolic message, a signal of denunciation of Wagner and his activities – which deliberately target civilians for political gain – as terrorism”, argued Benjamin Haddad.

‘Fierce’ fighting continues in Bakhmout, says Wagner

“Fierce” fighting is currently taking place in Bakhmout in eastern Ukraine, according to the Russian paramilitary group Wagner. Its leader, Evguéni Prigojine, had threatened to withdraw from the area for lack of ammunition. He finally said he would stay after receiving more weapons from Moscow.

Yevgeny Prigojine has been in open conflict for months with the Russian military hierarchy. He reproaches him for not delivering enough ammunition to him, while his fighters are on the front line in Bakhmout. His threat to withdraw was effective, since “according to the first information, we are starting to receive ammunition”, he declared. According to Wagner, Russian forces have advanced 130 meters over the past day in Bakhmout. The city has been under attack from Russia since last August.

Russia will be defeated “in the same way” as Nazism, says Zelensky

On the sidelines of the commemorations of the Allies’ victory over Nazi Germany on May 8, 1945, President Zelensky announced that “all the old evil that modern Russia is bringing back will be defeated in the same way Nazism was defeated”, in a speech broadcast on his social networks. “We will never forget the contribution of the Ukrainian people to the victory over Nazism,” continued the Ukrainian president.
