MEPs consider a text on the European flag

MEPs consider a text on the European flag

May 9 is Europe Day. And it is therefore on this date that the French National Assembly will examine a Renaissance bill which aims to make it compulsory to display flags in town halls with the European flag alongside the French flag. An idea that is not unanimous.

Does the European flag have to fly next to the French flag on the pediment of town halls? It is to this question that the deputies will have to answer by examining a Renaissance bill which arrives in the Hemicycle after having been rejected in the law commission. La France insoumise (LFI) and the National Rally (RN) had tabled deletion amendments. And the Modem abstained. Result, a vote in the form of a snub for the presidential party.

Political discord

The question of the European flag is definitely a subject of political discord. Emmanuel Macron had experienced this when he took the initiative to have it installed under the Arc de Triomphe, alongside the tricolor flag to celebrate the start of the French presidency of the European Union on January 1, 2022. controversy had been immediate, launched by the attacks of Marine Le Pen. And the flag removed quickly.

Useless and disconnected

One year from the next European election, the presidential party is putting the debate back on the table, to “ remember the values ​​to which we are attached “, explains the rapporteur of the text, Mathieu Lefèvre, when the opposition denounces a useless text and disconnected from the concerns of the French.

Read also : The right attacks Macron on the European flag (January 1, 2022)
