MECSPE returns to Bari: manufacturing does not seem to experience a crisis despite the context

MECSPE returns to Bari manufacturing does not seem to

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Manufacturing is confirmed as a driving force for the Apulian industrial fabric, which continues to emerge despite the challenges associated with the international economic context. Spotlights therefore focused on the sector which, from 23 to 25 November 2023will meet at the New Fiera del Levante in Bari for the second Apulian edition of MECSPEthe most important Italian manufacturing and industry 4.0 fair organized by Senaf.

The numbers prove the excellent state of health of the supply chain: in the third quarter of 2022 almost 8 out of 10 Apulian companies they saw their own turnover grow o remain stable; 84% judged sufficient/high the level of satisfaction related to the performance of one’s company and more than 7 out of 10 companies indicate adjust your portfolio ordersan increase of +21 percentage points compared to the previous quarter.

In return, the fair too, in its double location in Bologna and Bari, met with great success: the 21st edition of MECSPE Bolognain March, counted 59,845 professional visitors (+52% on 2022). A great success, which involved not only Italian companies, but also international ones, with the presence of 9 delegations of visitors from foreign countries (Algeria, Egypt, Germany, India, Morocco, Poland, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey) as well as at the first Italian-German Summit on the topics of reshoring and new mobility.

That of Bari will be the second edition in Puglia after the 2019 appointment, which, thanks also to the support of the Puglia Region, the Municipality of Bari and Confindustria Bari BAT, welcomed over 16 thousand operators professionals and consecrated the city of Bari as an engine of innovation for Southern and Central Italy. On 23 November, during the inauguration of the fair, the new data from the MECSPE Observatory on the trend of the manufacturing industry will be presented. An important opportunity to take stock of the market and its potential, but also on the challenges and risks that the sector will have to face.
