Pay attention to the mark on your feet! Significant symptom of the disease, which can be fatal

Pay attention to the mark on your feet Significant symptom

Many people in the community do not know that they have health problems because this disease does not show any symptoms, even though they have cholesterol. When cholesterol levels are at high levels, it can cause hardening of the arteries and the development of fat deposits in the blood vessels. Therefore, not treating high cholesterol can lead to risky and potentially fatal diseases.

The main causes of high cholesterol include genetics, eating fatty foods, not getting enough exercise, being overweight, smoking and using alcohol. There are no obvious signs that diagnose high cholesterol disease. A blood test is the only sure way to know where your levels are. But when high cholesterol becomes much more severe, effects can be seen in certain parts of the body.

Doctors and healthcare professionals always recommend regular checkups so this silent killer can be detected early and treated before it causes any harm.


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If you have pain in your toes or legs, this can indicate dangerously high cholesterol levels. Dr. According to Sami Firoozi, brittle or slow-growing toenails can be an revealing sign of a cholesterol complication.
One of the key signs is brittle toenails while the second is slow growing toenails. These two symptoms are caused by high cholesterol levels in the blood, which can cause peripheral artery disease (PAD).


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Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) refers to diseases of the blood vessels located outside the heart and brain. The NHS said: “Many people with PAH have no symptoms. But some have aching pain in their legs when walking, which usually goes away after a few minutes of rest. You should see a doctor if you experience recurrent leg pain while exercising.”
