A strange event in India: Scorpion panic on the passenger plane!

A strange event in India Scorpion panic on the passenger

A scorpion stung a female passenger on a domestic flight in India. Here are the details of the news…

According to the news of Press Trust India, India’s Air India airline made a statement regarding the Nagpur-Mumbai flight on April 23.

In the statement, it was stated that there was a rare and sad event such as the scorpion stinging a female passenger on the plane.

When the plane landed at the airport in Mumbai, doctors intervened in the female passenger, and the passenger was discharged after being treated at the hospital.

In the statement, which pointed out that the necessary protocols were followed, it was stated that the scorpion was found after the plane was disinfected.

THERE HAS BEEN roaches and woodworms BEFORE

Cockroaches were found in the food served to a passenger on the plane of the Indian airline company Air India, which made the Bhopal-Mumbai flight in 2019.

On the Air India plane, which made the New York-Mumbai flight in 2018, bedbugs bit the passenger who was traveling with his three children in the business class section. Air India apologized to the passenger, who shared the photo of his arm swelling due to bedbugs on social media. (AA)
