32 weeks of pregnancy (34 weeks): how is the baby?

32 weeks of pregnancy 34 weeks how is the baby

The weeks are now flying by at full speed and you are already approaching the 32nd week of pregnancy, or 34 weeks of amenorrhea. Childbirth, baby weight, contractions… Discover the advice and recommendations of Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, on this 32nd week of pregnancy.

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, or 34 WA, baby is growing chubby. Her skin, thicker and smoother, takes on a pretty pink hue. His lungs and immune system continue to mature. But he still has to stay warm for a few more weeks in order to be in top form. One more week before the start of your maternity leave. This will then be an opportunity to rest, take care of yourself before the birth of your baby, but also to continue your childbirth preparation sessions. Anh-Chi Ton, midwife, gives us her advice on this 32nd week of pregnancy.

How many months or SA at 32 weeks of pregnancy?

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, or 34 weeks of amenorrhea (34 SA)you are in the beginning of your eighth month of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy at 32 weeks?

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, you may, in addition to fatigue, suffer from a few minor ailments, in particular gastric reflux and increasingly present fatigue. Don’t hesitate to talk about it with your midwife or gynecologist.


IGastric lifts are frequent. They are due to hormonal changes as well as the weight of the baby on your stomach. To relieve yourself, be careful not to lie down right after meals.

Heavy fatigue at 34 SA

About six weeks from your due date, fatigue is making a comeback. It’s time to slow down. Avoid shopping and decoration work: it’s time to think about you, both physically and psychologically. It’s the last straight line to prepare you to be a mom!

Lower stomach pain

If it is uterine pain, and therefore contractions, you have to go to the emergency room when there are more than 10 a day and they do not give way with rest and Spasfon. During pregnancy, small digestive ailments are also possible and you should not hesitate to consult if the symptoms persist or if you fear food poisoning”. recommends Anh-Chi Ton.

“If it is uterine pain, and therefore contractions, you have to go to the emergency room when there are more than 10 a day and they do not give way with rest and Spasfon”.

32 weeks of pregnancy and contractions?

As the term approaches, the braxton hicks contractions become more frequent. At this stage, they serve not only to test the tone of your uterus, but also to mark the beginning of the effacement of the cervix. As long as these contractions aren’t painful or regular, that doesn’t mean your baby is going to be born tomorrow, but your body is getting ready.

How much weight at 32 weeks pregnant?

You still go gain 1 or 2 kilos between now and delivery and you may experience real cravings for a snack or even at night. Your body needs to be nourished with healthy and varied foods, try to slow down on sweet desserts or too fatty dishes.

How does the fetus develop at 32 weeks of pregnancy or 34 SA?

Your baby’s immune system is now in full development.

  • Your baby’s body is now able to fight and cope with small infections.
  • His lungs are also more and more mature.
  • Lung cells continue to secrete surfactant, a substance essential for breathing, because it allows the air cells to separate and prevents them from sticking together during inspiration.
  • When your baby inhales his first breath of air at birth, his lungs will therefore be fully operational.

What is the baby’s weight?

Your baby’s body is increasingly plump and chubby, he now measures 45 cm for a little more than 2 kg.

How should baby move at 33 weeks amenorrhea?

It is very important that you feel baby moving every day. The pregnant woman must feel it move throughout the day, with of course moments of pause when it sleeps and is therefore less reactive. At 33 weeks of amenorrhea, the movements are a little different, because baby has less room.

If he moves less, you have to go to a quiet place to stimulate him by talking to him, by moving his belly a little or even by drinking a sugary drink or eating a piece of cake. If he really moves much less over a whole half-day, you have to consult the emergency room”, explains the midwife.

“At 33 weeks of amenorrhea, the movements are a little different because baby has less room”.

Baby’s position in your womb will be considered during the 3thpregnancy ultrasound. Perhaps you will discover that the fetus is in full seat, the knees bent, or in a decompleted seat, that is to say the feet raised close to the face. It’s still possible for baby to roll overbut it could also remain in this position until birth.

Delivery at 32 weeks and prematurity?

If your baby was born at 34 weeks he would still be considered premature. Its respiratory and digestive systems, its immune system and its ability to regulate its temperature have not yet reached maturity. He should nevertheless be able to eat and breathe on his own, but would still be more fragile than a full-term baby.

When to do your prenatal consultation?

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, you can make your monthly prenatal consultation. This is the penultimate before your delivery. If you’re still working, organize the final details in preparation for your maternity leave. At eighth month of pregnancy, as in previous months, you will need to plan a prenatal consultation. It is officially the sixth and penultimate. As with other examinations, the doctor or midwife following you will check your weight and your blood pressure, take a urine test, check the baby’s heart rate, examine the condition of your cervix with a vaginal exam… If in doubt, he may also prescribe an X-ray of the pelvis to check that your baby has enough room to pass through during delivery.

Your maternity leave starts in a few days? This is the time to send your current files to your colleagues or to the person who will replace you. And why not talk about your return now to your boss? If you wish, you can also celebrate your departure on maternity leave with the colleagues with whom you get along well: a lunch at the restaurant, a drink in the office or outside.

Preparing for maternity leave

At 34 SAstart seriously preparing your leaving for maternity. Your maternity suitcase as well as that of baby must be ready and your medical file, with vital card and all the necessary papers, well arranged in your bag for the birth. Also evaluate with the future dad the time you will need to get to the maternity ward, this will save you from panicking on D-Day!

Thanks to Anh-Chi Ton, midwife
