Latest news – 39 refugees and migrants rescued from Holme

39 refugees and migrants rescued from Holme

today at 06.23 Johanna Sundbeck

Greek authorities rescued a large group of migrants and refugees from an islet in the Evros River on Wednesday, AP reports.

In total, nearly 40 people could be rescued from the area where the police suspect that a Turkish people smuggler left the group.

13 men, 11 women and 15 children were taken in a plastic boat from the Turkish side of the river, according to a police statement.

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  • Food prices are falling for the first time in four years

    Photo: Fredrik Sandberg /TT

    Food prices are falling after soaring for over a year, TT reports.

    According to Matpriskollen’s latest measurement, prices fell by 0.4 percent in April compared to March. Daily goods decreased by 0.3 percent during the same period.

    This compares with the record month of February, when food prices increased by 2.5 percent compared to January.

    – Lower prices, you don’t do that in this industry. It is extremely unusual, says Ulf Mazur, founder of Matpriskollen, to TT and continues:

    – It’s a big break from the trend. Prices have not been reduced for at least four years.

    A total of 44,000 items have been examined at all the major chains.

    Ulf Mazur assesses that prices will not fall further.

    – If the prices can stay at this level, and not rise any more, then that is positive, he says.

  • Explosion at apartment building

    Something exploded in a stairwell to an apartment building in Malmö during the night of Thursday.

    – There is damage to a door and also to an elevator on the third floor, says Thomas Paulsson at the police.

    Neighbors raised the alarm about the detonation at 03:30. One person was in the apartment when the explosion occurred, but no injuries have been reported.

    The police have cordoned off the site and called in technicians and the national bomb squad.

    Residents in other apartments have been asked to stay indoors until further notice. (TT)

  • Car fire in Eskilstuna

    A loud bang woke many residents in Eskilstuna shortly after midnight.

    The reason was a burning car, writes Ekuriren.

    – We received lots of calls about it, it seems that it has hit quite hard, says Torbjörn Lindqvist, officer on duty at the police.

    No injuries have been reported.

  • Sharp increase in the import of drug plants

    Imports of the plant kratom have increased from 7.2 tons in 2020 to around 39 tons last year, P3 News reports.

    The plant is legal and can, among other things, be used in soap production. But it also contains the narcotic substance mitragynine, which can produce opioid-like effects.

    – 39 tonnes, that’s a huge amount. There will be a lot of soap if soap is to be made from these plants, says Jenny Åberg, an expert at the Swedish Customs Service, to the radio.

    – We at the Customs are not allowed to do anything about it because at the time of import it is a plant and not classified as a drug, she continues.

    According to Joakim Strandberg at the Public Health Authority, several authorities and even the government have discussed how the plant can be regulated. (TT)

  • Rescued from islet in river

    Nearly 40 migrants, including several children, have been rescued from an islet in the Evros River bordering Turkey, Greek police said.

    The group consisted of 13 men, 11 women and 15 children. Police have not released their nationalities.

    It was activists who alerted the police about the people. A smuggler from the Turkish side had taken them to the islet using a dinghy and left them there, according to the police. (TT)

  • Zelenskyi has gone to Amsterdam

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi traveled on Wednesday from the meeting with Nordic leaders in Finland to the Netherlands.

    Among other things, the Ukrainian leader will visit the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. He will also give a speech there with the title “No peace without justice for Ukraine”.

    A meeting with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is also planned during the visit, according to local media. (TT)

  • Police raid on Bolsonaro

    Brazilian police have searched the home of ex-president Jair Bolsonaro in search of fake vaccination certificates for covid-19.

    According to BBC the police suspect that the vaccine passport was falsified so that Bolsonaro could travel to the United States, despite the fact that he is unvaccinated.

    The police seized the mobile phones of the ex-president and his wife. Several people close to Bolsonaro have been arrested.

    Jair Bolsonaro, who is outspokenly skeptical of the corona vaccine, denies the accusations.

    He traveled to Florida in late December, just days before his opponent Lula da Silva was sworn in as president.

  • Car crashed into wall – one injured

    An accident occurred in central Uddevalla on Wednesday evening.

    The alarm came in at 9.50pm.

    – It is a passenger car which for an unknown reason has driven into a wall, says Ulrik Olsson, officer on duty at the rescue service, to Bohusläningen.

    One person has been taken to hospital by ambulance.

  • Over 20 dead in attacks on Kherson

    At least 21 people have been killed and 48 injured in Russian attacks in and around the city of Kherson on Wednesday morning, according to Ukrainian authorities.

    According to President Zelenskyi, the attacks have targeted a railway station, an intersection, a house, a hardware store, a grocery store and a gas station.

    “The world must see and know about this,” writes Zelensky on Telegram, where he also posted pictures of bodies and injured people on the floor of a store.

  • Dala horses can be protected in the EU

    Can be EU protected Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

    Dala horses can become protected of origin in the EU – just as roe rum from Kalix and champagne have long been.

    The EU’s Council of Ministers and the EU Parliament have reached a preliminary agreement on protecting traditional products with a special geographical origin, TT reports.

    This means that products such as jewels, textiles, stones, porcelain and glass must be able to be protected in the same way as agricultural products.

    The purpose of the proposal is to “increase knowledge of traditional products from less developed areas, attract tourists and create jobs”, according to a press release.

  • The US central bank raises interest rates by 25 basis points

    The US central bank, the Federal Reserve, raises the key interest rate by 0.25 percentage points.

    The interest rate is now in the range of 5.00–5.25 percent.

    Soon the head of the central bank is expected to announce whether this was the last increase, or whether further increases are expected.

    With the increase, the policy rate is the highest since August 2007.

    That’s what Bloomberg writes.

    Read more here.

  • One dead in shooting drama in Atlanta

    A situation with an “active shooter” is ongoing in Atlanta in the United States, the police write on Twitter.

    The shooting took place in a building in the center of the city.

    One person has died, the police say. Three have been taken to hospital.

    The shooter is still at large, and police have released an image of a man in a hoodie and mask.

    The police warn that he is probably armed and dangerous.

    Everyone in the area is asked to stay indoors and avoid the area.

  • People in boats were shot at

    A man has been arrested in Västervik during the afternoon, suspected of attempted murder.

    The man allegedly shot at two men in a boat. The shot hit the water near the boat.

    No one was injured in the incident, but the man was arrested and his weapon was confiscated.

    A suspected crime scene has been cordoned off by the police.

  • Girls injured in school attack in Berlin

    Two girls have been injured in a knife attack at a school in Neukölln in Berlin, German media reports.

    One of the girls is said to be life-threateningly injured, the police say in a statement.

    A suspect was arrested near the school.

    The motive for the incident is unknown. It is also unclear whether the perpetrator has any relationship with the girls.

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  • Why don’t you write anything about shooting in Belgrade????


    We certainly haven’t missed that! Here you can read a whole article about the event in Serbia!

  • Interesting, I had no idea they make champagne in Kalix…

    Always learn something new from you Ab..



    Huh! Don’t you know the famous Kalix champagne?!

    Joking aside. Have changed the notice so that it will be clearer what is meant ;)!

  • What are the rules now with loose dogs?

    Saw on my walk a dog running around in a paddock and a bird flying around and screaming. It probably has young or eggs in the grass.

    Isn’t it tethered now?

    Was it the case that the incredibly obedient dogs are allowed to go loose but then at most one leash length from the owner?

    Want to be able to show the owner the correct letter when it happens again.


    Here can you see what applies.

    Here you can read what the police have to say about the matter.

    And here is a link to the Act on supervision.

  • Can you write about Tove’s killers Johanna and Maja about their upbringing and adolescence? Were there any classmates who thought they behaved in a creepy way when they were growing up? Did they have problems at home?


    Hi Charlotte!

    Here you can read about them. And here you will find all the reporting on the murder of Tove.

  • What has happened in Serbia? Sad man talking, what is he saying?


    Nine people, including eight children, have been shot dead in a school.

    You can read more about it here.

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